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热度 9已有 430 次阅读2016-11-27 01:27 |个人分类:读书笔记


妹妹在申请学校,她写的一篇文章中用了一个词,Based Off Of,让我觉得很奇怪。就说应该是Based On,妹妹说没问题的,她们经常这么说和这么用。当时就没太在意,今天再看他的作文,仍然觉得有点问题。就上网查了查:
Based Off Versus Based On
  • Lately, I've been hearing people say "based off" instead of "based on," and my research shows that the use is increasing rapidly. Since I’ve started teaching, one thing that has jumped out at me is how many of my students, and also people I just hear in the halls, say “based off” instead of “based on.” As in, I believe we’re all doomed based off what I saw last night instead of I believe we’re all doomed based on what I saw last night.
  • I can’t tell you why people started using the wrong phrase. English prepositions are often idiomatic, which means that there’s no logical reason that we use one instead the other. When people ask why New Yorkers say they stood on line when almost everyone else says they stood in line, the only answer I have is that it’s a regionalism, and when people ask whether they should say they are in a restaurant or at a restaurant, all I can tell them is that either is fine.
  • I can tell you that the correct, Standard English phrase is based on, and when you compare the Google Book Ngram results for based off and based on, you reassuringly find that based on is still vastly more popular. Stick with saying your assumptions are based on what you saw last night, but don’t be surprised if you start hearing people use based off. It’s on the rise.

这还只是回答了Base On 和Base Off 的问题。两个回帖才真正回答Base Off Of 的问题:

  • My students not only use "based off" all the time, but it is usually extended into the even less logical or grammatical monstrosity, "based off of." Yeesh.
  • They actually say "based off of" more often now, adding another incorrect preposition.

另外的一个网站,也说Based Off Of仅限于口语用法,在其他场合,只能用Based On。

  • You can build something off of a starting point, but you can’t base anything off of anything. Something is always based on something else.
  • I checked in the Corpus of Contemporary American English and there are only 7 instances when based off of is used, limited to spoken style. On the other hand, based on occurs with very high frequency in all sorts of discourse, particularly academic but also spoken.










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回复 gordon 2016-11-27 02:54
应该解释为: 不是 “对和不对” 的 问题,而是更合适


优雅的、有学识的 、有教养的人 都这么用。


“ 因为审阅的老师认为你用错了英语语法而把你给拒绝了 ”

回复 马鹿 2016-11-27 07:07
如果你是叛逆的高中生, 这样说可以理解, 否则 套用流行语:too simple too naive.

如果你看到我的回复觉得不爽, 那么想想那个能决定你能不能被这所大学录取的老师看了会啥想法。

语言正确不正确看场合, 标准英语对的句子,GMAT语法很多也认为错误。你不会跟分数较劲吧
回复 gordon 2016-11-27 07:16
马鹿: 如果你是叛逆的高中生, 这样说可以理解, 否则 套用流行语:too simple too naive.

如果你看到我的回复觉得不爽, 那么想想那个能决定你能不能被这所大学录取 ...


成长就像树木一样,就是枝枝叉叉的,所以才需要 “重新出发”


倒不是不忘 “初心”,有时候会发现 “初心” 也是错的,本来就是 “不完全信息”。

不仅仅是知识的更新,还有 “获取知识 那个过滤机制” 的更新。

“元认知” 的更新, “认知的认知 ” 更新

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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