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分享 国内能看的亚特兰大老板娘自卫视频
热度 35 leekai 2016-9-24 09:12
http://www.cbs46.com/clip/12749243/spring-drive-home-invasion-cbs46-is-on-the-scene 三个黑人入室抢劫,当场挂一个。
1199 次阅读|16 个评论
分享 休斯顿三个老墨入室打劫一户亚裔
热度 58 东湖珞珈 2013-5-16 04:26
屋里只有一个男孩(说是BOY,我看录像,大概也有十六岁以上)在家,他们把他关进壁橱 他们没有想到的是,这个壁橱是那个男孩老爸藏枪的地方,一色儿的手枪啊 男孩拿枪出来,老墨先开枪,男孩反击。在如此巨大的压力之下,他射中了两枪,一枪击中老墨肩头,一枪击中腿部。三个老墨落荒而逃,那个中枪的跑了两个房子远终于不支倒地,哭着用西班牙语求饶。 那个接受采访的邻居很有意思,猛夸这男孩,恨不得自己亲自上阵 看那个报道下面的评论也很有意思,那是一边倒的支持那个男孩 Good Boy . Should have killed them. Awesome son you did a good thing and you should feel no remorse Lil dude you did an amazing job protecting yourself and your home great job. I commend this young mans actions, and congratulate him on doing so well under SEVERE ADRENALINE SHOCK. 全文看这里: http://gunsnfreedom.com/3-men-break-into-house-and-put-son-in-his-dads-closet/
1230 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 加州湾区想买枪自卫的朋友看过来
热度 42 东湖珞珈 2012-1-6 12:20
上次北宸说她家附近有坏人,秀逗的警察要他们看见异常情况赶紧的要报告。 她说给吓坏了,考虑买枪。 我对枪还熟一点,但是对加州的法律不熟。我跑到枪版上面发了一个帖子: “ 湾区硅谷的兄弟们请进: 我有一在硅谷的朋友,想买霰弹枪自卫。 买枪的话,请问你们有没有啥地方好推荐? 或者好的FFL DEALER可以转枪? 先谢过。 又,关于加州共和国的法律,这里没有城堡法吧? 那在家里(包括后院)自卫,打死打伤了入侵者,有没有刑事、民事责任?” 枪版的朋友们总是很热心的,有人答: “如果简单的话,去big5买Mossberg 500的combo。网上买,这里好几个dealer可以 transfer,$35~$70 + $25 Dros (这是说找连邦政府认可的有执照的FFLDEALER转枪的话收取35到70美元的手续费,那个25刀的DROS俺们德州木有,不知道是不是加州政府的土政策) 没有城堡法则,一般原则是只有在你生命受到致命威胁的时候可以,比方别人拿刀拿枪 对着你的时候。在院子里背后打枪也会有问题 刑事责任没了民事也会被纠缠” 关于城堡法, "好像有但是有些限制 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine California California Penal Code § 198.5 sets forth that unlawful, forcible entry into one's residence by someone not a member of the household creates the presumption that the resident held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury should he or she use deadly force against the intruder. This would make the homicide justifiable under CPC § 197 . CALCRIM 506 gives the instruction, " A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his ground and defend himself and, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger ... has passed . This is so even if safety could have been achieved by retreating." However , it also states that " specifically held that burglaries which 'do not reasonably create a fear of great bodily harm' are not sufficient 'cause for exaction of human life.'” The court held that because a "trap-gun" was used, the doctrine did not apply. " 12月9日SanFranciscoChronicle上面报道了一例东湾屋主自卫射杀入侵者的案例: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/12/08/BADT1MA4I5.DTLtsp=1 你们不妨追踪看看这个案例,看看屋主按加州的法律有没有民事责任。 Mossberg 500型五连发霰弹枪是我家庭防卫枪械的首选,简单可靠又便宜,价格300美元上下。 我自己用,给爱菊轩MM家推荐的也是它。
6243 次阅读|66 个评论


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