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刚发现坛子不支持iphone上传图片! 建议意见 林菲 2012-2-16 5 38 林菲 2012-2-16 15:43
山菊提议下的几张图片 attach_img 女生宿舍 雪个 2012-2-19 43 311 sylvia 2012-2-20 02:54
群组里面所有的图片都不显示了 建议意见 雪个 2012-2-20 6 53 Highway 2012-2-20 12:10
西方美术史图片的第二部分 attach_img 琴音书画 猫元帅 2012-4-8 15 4080 Chiffre 2012-12-21 10:51
西方美术图片第三部分 attach_img 琴音书画 猫元帅 2012-4-8 5 4849 老票 2012-4-13 20:27
西方艺术图片第四部分 attach_img 琴音书画 猫元帅 2012-4-9 2 2387 浪人 2012-4-12 18:44
请敎 摄旅天地 诗韵 2012-4-12 2 1713 诗韵 2012-4-12 18:57
诚征本帮副帮主,图标,及顶部图片(有机会获取大红包) attach_img Forum nightcat 2012-4-20 40 3976 admin3 2012-6-5 13:38
投票 图标、顶部图片投票 - [阅读权限 10] Forum nightcat 2012-5-12 16 200 王不留 2012-5-23 11:54
投票 勋章图案投票 attach_img 游戏帮 喜欢就捧捧场 2012-5-28 12 1468 daxiang 2012-5-31 21:14
论坛提示有14个未使用的图片 attach_img 男人帮 猫元帅 2012-6-11 8 79 卡里其亚 2012-6-19 11:18
东海岸印象(1.1):更多的哈利法克斯图片 attach_img 摄旅天地 晨枫 2012-8-10 20 4099 sylvia 2012-8-17 01:59
LED为啥会刺眼 attach_img 科教学圃 水印长天 2012-12-17 22 5513 windzeng 2013-1-3 22:41
主题或日志如何添加多媒体 日志随笔 小剪子 2013-1-30 0 1 小剪子 2013-1-30 19:30
非新闻图片的钓鱼岛生活照 - [阅读权限 20] 摄旅天地 上古神兵 2013-2-6 3 73 colin1992 2013-3-11 16:20
二战图片故事系列之一——希特勒的“巴巴罗萨”歼灭战 attach_img 史笔新阁 年初四 2013-4-3 31 7856 旺旺的考拉熊 2013-4-30 00:29
二战图片故事系列之二——希特勒是怎么登上权力巅峰的 attach_img 史笔新阁 年初四 2013-4-4 21 10561 梦晓半生 2013-4-5 10:15
二战图片故事系列之三——德奥“合并”75周年 attach_img 史笔新阁 年初四 2013-4-6 16 4952 猪头大将 2013-5-12 16:48
先是传丁去中BAN,然后有网友根据新闻图片证实此事 丐帮 潜恒 2013-5-16 8 107 潜恒 2013-5-17 00:57


分享 发几张图片,杂文谈不上,杂图吧~
热度 31 老票 2012-9-23 22:50
镇江南,高铁火车站 俺的车仪表盘,凑巧的数字 上海沪闵高架的黄昏斜阳,紫红色的 金国庆即将来临 10年以前出差住这里,现在虽然住隔壁不算远,可档次差多了啊,真是越混越不如从前了 东单跨崇文门内大街去东方广场的那个人行天桥,晃悠的真有感觉啊~
1831 次阅读|22 个评论
分享 网上看到的图片,这老头是谁?很脸熟
热度 5 毛斯拉 2012-8-21 22:30
85 次阅读|9 个评论
分享 周五去看了个画展,发几张图片
热度 12 猫元帅 2012-7-15 10:16
很久不参与了,好多都想不起名字了。 但是东西很精彩 这个好像是梁占岩的,尤其喜欢这只手,简洁明快到位 藏民跳舞。动感和张力很足 很喜欢这个局部 这个忘了是谁的了 这个也忘了 王晓辉的小画20X30cm大小。第一个是课堂写生。 忘了是谁的了,白什么。但是我很喜欢这种干净的笔法。 局部 展厅。左边刘进安,中间是田黎明的 远端的是李孝萱的 范扬作品。 卢禹舜 张江舟,作品局部 呵呵,局部和整体的表情大不一样啊。
639 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 夏日中国行记 华北东图片看个够版
热度 45 老马丁 2012-7-7 23:23
都帖上了。让你一次看个够。 ####################################### G1的商务舱。坐过吗? ####################################### 企业社会责任和盈利目标有时候是一致的,如果你早起来到肯德基吃早餐的话。 ####################################### 加多宝在三里屯附近的广告 ####################################### 剃了?剃了。 ####################################### 这就是了。 ####################################### 苏州久光购物中心附近的天幕。刚好给我抓到一条飘过的龙。 ####################################### 这世界上吃货终于又多了一个 俺娃给姐姐带坏了 ####################################### 杭州的有知道这条河吗?据说是大运河? ####################################### 这个餐馆叫第二乐章,俺哥们亲自给俺们端茶 ####################################### 河坊街的剁椒西施,看着我在一边直流口水 ####################################### 武大郎 2.0 ####################################### 达芬奇家具在杭州的专卖店,靠着劳斯莱斯和兰博吉利的专卖店。人家达芬奇的老板也不容易啊,这个品牌信号的成本真高。 ####################################### 高铁就是好。孩子们可以自由闲逛。逛累了躲手推车里睡觉。一路可以推到出站口。 ####################################### 徐家汇美罗城5楼。别怪人家,谁让你不提供家庭洗手间的? ####################################### 我们肯定违法了某些规则,不过没法子。 ####################################### 国内很多这种要求顾客微博推广然后给促销的广告 ####################################### 百思买,已不在。 ####################################### 见过杵拐杖还闯人行红灯的猛人吗? ####################################### 主席其实是个理工男。不然为啥我走过的理工大学都有他的身影? ####################################### 上海处处有竞争啊. DHL vs. TNT ####################################### 见过国内的罚单没有? ####################################### 两个娃第一次一起出门在外住酒店,到哪里都很happy啊。 ####################################### 回到南京接着玄武湖公园去拍外景。一家人穿一套一样的衣服很拉风吧 小捣蛋来捣蛋了 ####################################### 俺娃和南京古城墙的亲密接触。7.7快到了,现在你还小,等你大了,民族仇恨肯定要传下去的。别怪我给你的生活添堵,谁让你是中国人的后代呢 ####################################### 玄武湖公园南京市民的惬意生活 ####################################### 下面两张照片要和地主的FLG日志结合起来看 ####################################### 南京热啊,爹地辛苦啊 ####################################### 领导的大姐乔迁新居,大放鞭炮,俺丫丫一马当先要看炮听响 最后呈上一张小可爱照片,可我不希望你以后戴眼镜。 明天去武汉了。听说那里很热。
个人分类: 闲谈|93 次阅读|23 个评论
分享 测试日志发图片-----遵义羊肉粉(兴隆街南头路西的小店)
热度 12 逍遥探花 2012-7-4 17:40
37 次阅读|12 个评论
分享 试验能否发图片
热度 28 雪个 2012-6-24 12:14
昨晚散步的时候拍的,加州这边的房子通常都这样。电线杆右边是别人家,路边有数字的地方立着的是邮箱,左边那个黑的是垃圾桶,再左边那个蓝色顶盖的大桶是扔可回收垃圾的。有时候会有一个更大的绿桶,那是扔院子里的植物垃圾的。 经测试可发照片,此照片大小为319k,游览器是火狐狸。
245 次阅读|36 个评论
分享 [分享]老外在中国当民工
热度 55 爱菊轩 2012-6-6 06:54
今天看到一组在武汉居住的法国佬Benoit Cezard策划拍摄的搞笑照片《中国2050》,觉得有趣,拿来分享一下。 摄影师自己注解说:“随着的中国快速发展,未来中国和武汉的农民工将由西方人取代,所以他们得提前适应一下。” 原图在这里http://luo.bo/25635/。声明:本人不认为这些图片与中国的社会现状与未来有什么联系,转贴动机是无聊中的纯娱乐,过度忧国忧民者敬请绕行。 拆迁队民工,不过墙上要有一个画着圈的拆字就点睛了...... 环卫工人,笤帚之类的道具的相对于2050这个年代算是蛮落后的么....... 园林工人。这个工作其实很不错,我最喜欢,我宁愿自己当这行民工! 麻木司机,估计”麻木“这个词只有在武汉住过的人才知道是指的什么——灰色行业——私下拉座的电动车。 这张照片最让我有所触动了,十分武汉特色,洋司机形神兼备,想起了我在武汉读书那几年的难忘岁月....... 不过这东西要是2050年还存在,只能说那时候刮起了怀旧风了。 中国城管与洋地摊小贩
个人分类: 道听途说|138 次阅读|30 个评论
分享 算了,还是发个应景图片吧
热度 8 猫元帅 2012-6-4 10:40
43 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 今天看到一个图片,不知真假
热度 18 边寒剑 2012-5-28 18:11
个人分类: 喜好|607 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 来几张包豪斯设计风格的图片,超爱这种风格
热度 2 gordon 2012-5-24 11:19
537 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 发两张图片,让大家对学舞蹈的有个感性认识
热度 45 猫元帅 2012-4-28 13:37
gordon说起跳舞,发两张图,让大家对学舞蹈的有个感性认识 这姑娘叫做Asya,是谢列兹诺夫(Seleznev)舞蹈学院的学生。这是在参加舞蹈比赛之前照的。这次比赛因为脚痛摔倒而失败。
1429 次阅读|24 个评论
分享 养眼应景图片
热度 9 gordon 2012-4-8 09:43
点击放大更精彩 嘿嘿
449 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 图片汇报2012野花之旅
热度 31 爱菊轩 2012-4-3 00:06
今天下雨了,早餐的时候轩说:没准儿这场雨之后野花开得更好了,要不要周末带你再去那边转转? 好吧,又是个没玩够的家伙........... 上周六早晨十点半,我们的“豪华车队”准时从集结地点出发,我们的minivan前面有三辆威风凛凛的皮卡开路,遇到好风景就鱼贯停在路肩上,已经够得上一道风景了。 大家总是把最平坦的位置留给我们家的车。 路边德州特色的广告:枪弹超市。轩看到那行ammo to go,调侃说在这里买弹药估计比买口香糖麻烦不到哪儿去 今年暖冬,花开得比往年早,还没到传统的看花地点,就有了这么一大片吸引人的景色 大大的白色花朵,却不知其名 我们家的“杨招娣儿”佑佑已经不是去年那个傻乎乎的小宝宝了,现在会面对镜头摆出矜持的微笑,露出固定数量的贝齿。 , 在bluebell工厂临时扮演冰淇淋推销小姐。 这丫头的推销方式是吞掉了两个巨大的冰淇淋球,冻得直哆嗦,最后不得不把外套从背包里掏出来穿上。 吃了冰淇淋,商量好行车路线继续去找花,没走多远就发现好大一片黄色的野花,并非油菜花 彼时小美女在车上睡着了,大肚婆不顾眼泡浮肿,携小豆包儿来镜头前晃一下 瞧瞧我们德州草丰水美的牧场里那些生活幸福的......驴,没错,是驴 今年的蓝帽开得并不好,可能是去年的大旱造成的结果,也可能还没有到爆发期 印第安画笔花倒是蛮多的 不少黄色的daisy点缀其间 我们的小美女模特醒了,继续在花丛前露出专业的微笑 跟阿姨和豆包儿妹妹合个影 跟各色野花合影 忍不住翩翩起舞了,这个招人疼爱的小妖精...... 铺满路边的野花 趁着天气晴朗集结出行的老爷车队 草原上的小屋 连小仓房看着都那么有味道 车队前哨东湖哥发现了一处开满花的草场,停了下来 走到其中,真的是眼花缭乱 豆包妈妈在花丛中 豆包儿爸爸和招娣儿都笑眯了 带队的东湖同志正忙着给太太和公子拍照,没功夫回应我们的挥手 花开了,很多树吐出嫩绿的新芽,好个明媚的春天! 德州草原上的大橡树 小女孩和蒲公英是天生的朋友, 路过一个牧场 夺目的是红色的画笔花,远处的蓝帽貌似还没有长出规模 夕阳下,蓝帽只是淡淡地影子 野餐之后,暮色降临,我们就背起小包回家啦 这一天里,最大的惊喜是中午在一处花田旁遇到了十六年未见的大学同学。她抱着儿子走过来,问:你是菊么? 我觉得她十分面熟,但无论如何想不起来是谁,直到她自己报出名字!亏得我当年跟她那么好...... 这一天里,最幸福的时刻是野餐之后的小憩,佑佑扑到我怀里起腻,小脸贴在我肚子上甜蜜地说:阿姨,I like you and your baby.......围观群众一片喝彩,至少有三个镜头同时举起来对着我们俩猛拍。一个反应慢的同志居然拿着相机比划好之后对佑佑指示说:please do it again.......哼,当我们是拍戏么?!
个人分类: 边走边瞧|73 次阅读|26 个评论
分享 国家地理2011年的图片 ZT
热度 22 雪个 2012-4-1 13:03
(唉,图片有点变形,被压成方的了。将就看吧。爱坛的图片显示总是让人有点遗憾) National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. 1. I have been trying to follow a leopard with cubs for the last year, and spend a lot of nights with them. She has no tracking device, so when I find her I try to stay with her as long as possible. On this particular evening a brown hyena stole her kill (a springbok ) and was sitting on a rock ledge with the moon rising behind her. I lit her eyes up with a torch to make it a bit more mysterious. (© Hannes Lochner) 2 The sun gives us energy, even when underwater. This image was captured during free diving (diving on a single breath without scuba gear) in the Red Sea. (© Vaclav Krpelik) 3 Morning light breaking through the windows of the 'Temple of Transition' during the Burning Man event 2011. (© Lars Tiemann) 4 A "joey" (baby) Eastern Grey Kangaroo pokes a head out from its mother's pouch. The baby kangaroo will continue to peek until if feels safe enough to emerge for short periods. After 7 to 10 months it will leave the pouch for the last time. (© Brent Lukey) 5 This photo was taken in the Upper Antelope Canyon near Page (AZ) and it shows the amazing effect of the sand thrown in the air and struck by the rays of the sun. (© Angiolo Manetti) 6 This lynx (Lynx Canadensis) flinches its ear at bothersome gnats in the late evening summer sun in Alaska. (© Jimmy Tohill) 7 Lone Tree Yellowstone Photo by Anita ErdmannA solitary tree surviving another harsh winter in Yellowstone National Park. (© Anita Erdmann) 8 The Himba Women of northern Namibia perfome daily rituals where by they annoint themselves with a mixture of ochre, oil and ash to protect themselves from the harsh desert climate. They never take a shower, but rather burn aromatic herbs in a pot each morning with which they smoke themselves as if applying perfume. (© Dominique Brand) 9 At safari not only animals can attract attention. (© Dmitry Gorilovskiy) 10 A Rufous humming bird takes a much need break on a pine tree, boasting his beautifully bright chest. (© Cael Cook) 11 Pinki Kundu,a 13 yrs old girl is suffering from a chronic disease is being treated in Mother Teresa TB Hospital in Kolkata. She is under CAT 1 drug therapy is doing well.The day I photographed her she was very hopeful mood that she would be returning back to her parents soon. (© Saibal Gupta) 12 Nathan Fletcher rides one of the biggest waves ever ridden at Teahupoo, in Tahiti. (© Ted Grambeau) 13 Climbing the Harding Ice-field trail in the rain, has its rewards. I stopped to admire glacier, only to find an adult black bear eating in front of a glowing blue glacier. (© Colin McCrindle) 14 Bonobo Portrait, Jacksonville Zoo, Florida (© Graham McGeorge) 15 Every year around the month of October, Dubai experiences heavy fog due to the still-high humidity and the falling temperatures. With all the new high-rise buildings (including the tallest in the world, Burj Khalifa), this provides a great photographic opportunity. (© Catalin Marin) 16 My son, Jack, dune jumping. (© Betina La Plante) 17 The weirdest market on planet earth must be the voodoo market in Lome,Togo. Thousands of dead animals are used for religious and health purposes. Freaky, frightening but also fascinating (© Jorgen Tharaldsen) 18 One morning while on the Big Island of Hawaii, I was exploring my surroundings to see if I could find something to photograph. I almost went back inside when something on this huge palm tree leaf caught my eye. I stayed around and it was this little gecko, startled by my presence he was hidden between the ridges of the leaf. He would pop his head up periodically to check his surroundings; as soon as he saw I was still there he would hide again. We played this game for a while until I got the shot. (© Lorenzo Menendez) 19 In a mud pool at the sea salt mines near Bourgas, Bulgaria locals gather. He applies the mud from the pool and then stands upright until it is dry only to take a dip in the nearby sea. Afterwards he gets a relaxing swim in the 30cm of water in the salt mine. (© Antoni Georgiev) 20 Flight of an Eagle owl Photo by Mark BridgerA large adult eagle owl in flight. (© Mark Bridger) 21 This image was taken in wintertime in an arid area of the Canadian Rockies. Temperatures were below 30 degrees Celsius, yet because there was no snow fall the surface of the lake was uncovered allowing me to see and capture the bubbles (gas release from lake bed) that were trapped in the frozen waters. (© Emmanuel Coupe-Kalomiris) 22 A male jawfish mouthbrooding eggs until they hatch. (© Steven Kovacs) 23 After school fun at the river, in Laos. (© Danny Griffin) 24 An extraordinary display of spring frost covering everything in sight. This particular image of a frosted fence with a backdrop of a blue metal dumpster from a construction site was taken in late-March of 2011. (© Sara Worsham) 25 This is a shot of one of the many thermal pools in Yellowstone National Park. (© Danielle Goldstein) 26 Within an ultra modern society Japan still maintains to hold traditions passed down from generation to generation making it one of the most beautiful and intriguing places in the world. The city of Gion in Kyoto is one of those places that you will walk into and forget about all the flashing lights the rest of Japan has to offer. Its brick paved streets holds some buildings that have been maintained like the old traditional Japan. If you're lucky you will catch a glimpse of a beautiful geisha passing through the streets scurrying to her next appointment, make sure you have your camera ready. (© Clancy Lethbridge) 27 Death valley averages just 1.58 inches of rainfall a year. Yet somehow, in my first trip there in four years, we catch a storm. Not just a storm, an electrical storm. At sunset, of all times. This was the reward for years of trips gone awry, blank skies, drenching downpours, and for every other cause of failed photography endeavors. To me, this is an example of the best thing that can happen to a photographer. To be in the right place, at the right time - and to not mess it up too badly. (© Jeff Engelhardt) 28 This a portrait that I took of my Grandfather. He was a photographer and I wanted to show all his wonderful old cameras and his life in an editorial styled portrait. He just turned 95 years old and still remembers how all his old camera's work. I shot this with my cannon 7d body,and Tamron 17-55mm zoom lens. The lighting is with a 1200w Pro photo 2 head kit with 2 medium soft boxes. As well I used a 580 ex2 canon speed lite and diffused it with a paper lantern that I made into a diffusion for my speed lite. I really love this picture and hope you like it as well. (© Christopher Bellezza) 29 Rare and endangered Australian Sea Lions (Neophoca cinerea) swim and play in the shallows of Hopkins Island, South Australia. (© Michael Patrick O'Neill) 30 Yala National park of Sri Lanka is best known for leopards, but of course very difficult to get them in action. This is one of the well grown three cubs got excited and started jumping between branches. I got it against the light within fraction of a second. (© Lalith Ekanayake) 31 The awesome power of a tornado displayed in Mapleton, Iowa April 11th, 2011. (© Timothy Wright) 32 Snow Geese in flight. Kleinfeltersville, Pennsylvania. (© Charles Funk) 33 Spark trails from cannon blast captured at the Moorpark Civil War reenactment, sponsored by the Moorpark Rotary Club. Soldiers manning the cannon were silhouetted due to a large light behind them shining down on the battlefield. The large flood light made it possible to also see the smoke from the cannon blasts. (© Robert Jensen) 34 Cage divers confront a great white shark. (© David Litchfield) 35 Copenhagen, The Gemini Towers, private residential building by the river. I had to wait about 2 hrs and hoped some residents would come in or out and kindly let me in. It was worth waiting coz this building its so unreal. (© Elena Baroni) 36 This place is very special to me. The fèllensee is placed at the bottom of the hundstei (dog stone). I know this might sound silly, but since my dog and I grew up just around the corner and the naming of the mountain, I chose this very calm lake as a final resting place for Spock (my dog) so he would have the biggest gravestone of all dogs out there. That morning we had a farewell ceremony for Spock. I took this picture and we summited the hundstei to his honor (which was a very emotional challenge). This picture of his resting place is now hanging in our kitchen to remember him. (© Nino Benninger) 37 Curious cormorants watch the start of the Gatorman part of the La Jolla Roughwater Swim. Athletes swim 3 miles from La Jolla Cove to Scripps Pier and back. (© Lee Sie) 38 An unexpected side-effect of the 2010 flooding in parts of Sindh, Pakistan, was that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters; because of the scale of the flooding and the fact that the water took so long to recede, many trees became cocooned in spiders webs. People in the area had never seen this phenomenon before, but they also reported that there were less mosquitos than they would have expected, given the amount of standing water that was left. Not being bitten by mosquitoes was one small blessing for people that had lost everything in the floods. (© Russell Watkins) 39 An adult male gelada rests in the early morning light after ascending the steep sleeping cliffs of the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia. This male won his right to mate by successfully deposing the old leader. Now he must defend his harem by tending to his females' needs and fighting off anxious bachelors waiting for their chance to become harem leader. (© Clay Wilton) 40 Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula. Reindeer breeding is one of the basic means of employment for the indigenous population of this region. All pieces of land suitable for pasture are assigned to families of reindeer breeders, or Sovkhoz brigades. Reindeer grazing freely in search of reindeer lichen overnight can disperse across few kilometers. Here, the foreman of the shepherds examines a herd with the aid of binoculars. (© Dmitriy Nikonov) 41 This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Wind shifts during the night would cause bands of smoke from fires 100 miles away on Mt Hood to pass over Rainier. This intermittent low-level haze caused the red glow seen in the sky and a Rainier that looks like it was almost painted on. Lights from Sunrise can be seen in the lower right of the frame. (© Chris Morin) 42 This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. Charles Ave. I held the camera against the window sill, making sure to divide the image equally between the inside and the outside. (© Don Chamblee) 43 Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. (© Dafna Ben Nun) 44 Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. (© Ricardo Mohr) 45 Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. (© Robert Spanring) ---------------------------------------- http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/11/national-geographic-photo-contest-2011/100187/#img21
549 次阅读|19 个评论
分享 偶的火狐不能上传图片~
热度 1 黑JK 2012-3-8 15:16
没有~选择文件上传~项 图片如下
632 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 骑士的图片 The Perfect Knight
热度 17 到处停留的叶子 2012-2-24 01:47
2012年2月23日,今天读书,看到一图,配我前面一篇日志真是合适。 图片说明:这是维多利亚时期画家Edmund Blair Leighton's intensely romantic portrayal of a dubbing,"The Accolade". The title refers to the blow on the neck-- the collee--which actually conferred knighthood. In practice this was almost always done by another knight or a lord but certainly not by a woman. 因此叶子翻译了一下说,通常这个行为总是由另外一个骑士或者领主(Lord)来做的,不会是一个妇女。 Later knighthood could only be conferred by a monarch including a female monarch(as in the painting) and the blow was made on the shoulders with a sword. 后来骑士只能够被君主包括女君主册封。
个人分类: 写字的乐趣|49 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 测试3D模仿图片
齐若散 2012-2-11 22:55
http://flash.picturetrail.com/pflicks/m_acrobatcube.swf embed allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://flash.picturetrail.com/pflicks/m_acrobatcube.swf" flashvars="img1= 添加自己图片地址 amp;type=2amp;op=0.jpgamp;img2= 添加自己图片地址 amp;type=2amp;op=0.jpgamp;img3= 添加自己图片地址 amp;type=2amp;op=0.jpgamp;img4= 添加自己图片地址 amp;img5= 添加自己图片地址 amp;img6= 添加自己图片地址 amp;faceopacity=80amp;backopacity=100amp;cubecroptofit=1amp;enlargecroptofit=0amp;test=1" wmode="transparent" loop="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="middle" height="400" width="400"
0 个评论
分享 有办法用iPad发图片么?
热度 5 橡树村 2011-12-27 04:26
958 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 送上珍藏图片一张,嘿嘿。
热度 16 zhouzp 2011-10-27 18:05
960 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 翻拍《兵器》辛亥百年图片
热度 6 小绿爷 2011-9-26 10:42
湖北宜昌的巡防营,旗手旁边有军乐队,尽管只有几个人 北洋六镇的马克沁机枪 李鸿章和马克沁(杂志上说右二为李,貌似太矮,个人更倾向是左边的中国人),这广告做的 新式中学堂的学生兵在进行军训(个人推测是北京陆军中学的学生) 保定直隶高等学堂的司号兵trainee(左)训练教官instructor(右) 三个督导(supervisor) 北洋军操练 军服是土洋结合 北洋骑兵摆拍 汉口前线的北洋军(后面的事天线?) 湖北新军,队列前室军乐队 第一排中央留胡子湖广总督瑞澂,右二为黎元洪。小孩子不知道是谁 这张比较出名,起义新军合影 很拉风的北洋炮兵
1146 次阅读|4 个评论


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