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热度 11已有 454 次阅读2019-3-16 12:29 |个人分类:点点滴滴




看到如下一个帖子,说“a few 是五,several 是七”。这和传统中医上“豆腐皮是滑的,麻油也是滑的,在胎里的孩子胞衣滑了,容易下地”,有异曲同工之妙:
  • I don’t remember when it was (I listen mostly on podcasts) but someone had called in to ask a question about “a couple, few and several.” The caller said his family translated it this way. Couple was 2, a few was 5 because it sounded like the word five and several was 7 because it sounded like seven. I could not believe that Martha and Grant didn’t disagree with him.
  • I have polled a several people and we have all agreed upon the following: Couple = 2; Few = 3 or 4, but usually 3;and Several = 5 to 8。

  • Just had a fun and lively discussion on this subject. Co-worker insisted that a “few” meant exactly three. No more, no less. “Several” was more than a few, and while it was not “many,” there’s no exact number. We joked that she must have learned to count:“One, two, few, four, several, many, many, many.”
其实在英语中,关于数字叙述比较传统的定义,应该是这样的(Back in 1948, Fibber McGee gave the definitive conversion chart for this set of units, in a conversation with the little girl next door):

  • Teeny: Mister, what’s a scad? Willie Toops says his uncle has scads of money and I can’t argue with him because I don’t know how much a scad is.
  • Fibber: You know what an oodle is, sis?
  • Teeny: No, but everybody says my dog has oodles of fleas.
  • Fibber: Exactly. There are several scads in an oodle; plenty of oodles to a gob; lots of gobs to a heap; batches of heaps to a load; and multifarious loads to a galore. Understand?
  • Teeny: Well, no.
  • Fibber: Well, let’s put it this way. Suppose you had several oodles of peanuts. Somebody gives you a heap more. How many scads would you have?
  • Teeny: Loads, I betcha.
  • Fibber: Loads of scads, or lots of gobs, or a batch of heaps.

  • A bunch is a comfortable handful. not a hand crammed full.
  • A passel is too many to count, unless it is really important. You have a passel of snap beans in those eight rows you planted, but sand on a beach or stars in the sky are too many for a passel. If you have a passel of kids, you don’t count them at suppertime, you just notice if there are any empty chairs。









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回复 lorry 2019-3-18 20:22
“One, two, few, four, several, many, many, many.”
回复 lorry 2019-3-18 20:23
a passel of kids

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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