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热度 4已有 692 次阅读2021-6-6 09:36 |个人分类:读书笔记


  • Portrait of the scholar and official Cheng Huan, mid-18th century,Paper, ink, paint,China,frame H: 20 3/4 in, frame W: 15 1/8 in (frame H: 52.7 cm, frame W: 38.4 cm),E300112。DESCRIPTION:Portrait of the scholar and official Qiyuan (also called Yanliang or Dehui). He was born on 3rd July in Gengzi year of Kangxi period (1720) and died on 4th June of 48 years of Qianlong (1784).
最广为人知的一幅,是清朝六品武官,广东丝绸商人李致祥(义盛)像,为中国画家关乔昌(林官,Lam Qua)的爷爷关作霖(史贝霖,Spoilum,Guan Zuolin ,1770-1805),known in the West as "Spoilum"1785-1805年在广州期间所绘。
  • Spoilum (China, active years 1770-1805),Portrait of the silk merchant Eshing, 1805,Oil paint, canvas,Guangzhou, Canton, China,H: 67.60 cm, W: 52.00 cm, frame H: 32 in, frame W: 25 1/2 in,Gift of Thomas W. Ward, 1809,M364,SPECIAL COLLECTION:East India Marine Society Collection。DESCRIPTION:Portrait of the Cantonese silk merchant Eshing. Body turned to the right, looking at the viewer. Wearing Chinese blue robe with embroidery and hat. He is set against a dark background.
广东十三行同顺行的行商吴健彰的肖像。吴天显(1791年-1866年7月)广东省香山县前山翠微村人。谱名健彰道甫,小名阿爽,洋人称之爽官(Samqua)。吴健彰是清中期的“夷务”人才和外交重臣。曾任上海道江海关监督。该肖像由关乔昌 Lamqua (China, active years 1825-1860)于1850年前后所画。
  • Lamqua (China, active years 1825-1860),Portrait of Samqua, ca. 1850, about 1850,Oil on canvas,Canton, China,H: 25 in, image W: 33 in,Museum purchase, 1931,M3789,DESCRIPTION:Portrait of the Hong merchant Samqua by Lam Qua, ca. 1850. This is one of a group of five portraits of Cantonese merchants which Lamqua painted for Augustine Heard. All five portraits were exhibited in the Boston Athenaeum in 1851. Lamqua's work was also exhibited at the Royal Academy in London.
上面这两幅照片,都被李致祥的曾孙李士凤(Dominic S. F. Lee)先生收录在《晚清华洋录::美国传教士 满大人和李家的故事》(The American Missionaries AND the Mandarins AND the Opium War, Canton, China)一书中,书里面的文字,应该有比较详细的介绍:
Image 1 - The American Missionaries, the Mandarins and the Opium War, Canton, China (Circa

  • Portrait of Empress Xiaoxian Chun, Qing dynasty, second half of 18th century with later repainting, hanging scroll; ink and color on silk, overall: 108 1/4 x 51 9/16 inches (275 x 131 cm). Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Sturgis Hinds, 1956. Peabody Essex Museum, E33619.
广东十三行广利行的行商卢文锦的肖像。卢文锦,广东新会石头乡蓬莱里人。广利行主人,从父亲卢观恒继承广利行,成为富商。掌管行务,商名卢隶荣,外国人称为茂官第二(Mouqua II),以别卢观恒的茂官。在十三行的商人中,卢观恒是一个大器晚成的超级富豪。因卢观恒年逾不惑之年才娶妻,他1812年去世时儿子卢文锦还是少不更事的20岁左右的青年人1813年,卢文锦与伍秉鉴一同被任命为行商总商,从嘉庆后期开始,他家的财富仅次于潘家和伍家。可是卢文锦小农思想严重,将大量财产冻结在地产上,因而投入商业贸易的资金大量减少,广利行生意自此日益式微。该肖像也由关乔昌于1845年前后所画。
  • Lamqua (Chinese, active years 1825-1860),Mouqua, about 1845,Oil on canvas,China,frame H: 30 in, frame W: 26 in, frame D: 2 1/4 in (frame H: 76.2 cm, frame W: 66.0 cm, frame D: 5.7 cm),Gift of Mr. Harry T. Peters, Jr., 1975,M20450。
广东十三行怡和行的行商伍秉鉴的肖像。伍秉鉴(1769年-1843年),别名敦元成之平湖,商名浩官第二(Howqua II),中叶著名行商,三品顶戴花翎,是广州十三行之一怡和行的行主。广东南海人(故居位于广州市海珠区溪峡一带),祖籍晋江安海生前他所经营的怡和行垄断了中国的对外海上贸易,又通过他的义子铁路大亨约翰・穆瑞・福布斯名下受其资助的旗昌洋行参与投资密歇根中央铁路,涉足美国铁路工业。伍秉鉴的蜡像,在伦敦蜡像馆展览经年。这张肖像的原作,是英国画家乔治·钱纳利(George Chinney)。可是人怕出名猪怕壮,因为伍秉鉴当时的世界首富,所以他这张肖像的复制品,在世界各大博物馆珍藏的不下十几幅。迪美博物馆里收藏的那一幅,就是同时期中国画家关乔昌的仿作,轻易不拿出来示人的。

  • Lamqua was among the artists that had been drawn into Chinnery’s orbit and faithfully followed his European painting style and aesthetic. Lamqua, or Kwan Kiu Cheong, was the first Chinese portrait painter that was exhibited in the West and the most notable Chinese export artist in the Western market. He started out producing works under Chinnery’s guidance and successfully mastered his style.

  • Style of Chinnery (possibly by him). Houqua, ca. 1825. Oil on canvas, 26 × 19 in. (66 × 48.3 cm). Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia (88.10). Photograph: Independence Seaport Museum.
Lamqua的仿品 - The portrait at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts, attributed to Lamqua, revealed a less polished version of the Independence Seaport’s canvas.
清末十三行的西洋画家关乔昌,号林官(1801年-1860年),广东南海人。洋人称之为“琳呱”(Lam Qua)。1830年林官在广州十三行同文街16号开设画室,跟欧美人士有着广泛的接触。其画最初只有外形,无阴影、透视,只是低水平的作画,后得英国画家钱纳利(George Chinney)的指导,遂成西洋名画家,他曾画过83张肿瘤生长过程示意图,提供耶鲁医学院的教案。
Lam Qua, self-portrait, late 1840s
  • Guan Qiaochang (1802–c.1860) - known to Westerners as Lam Qua was the grandson of perhaps the most famous Canton artist, Spoilum, and the son of Lamqua (the same name spelled differently). He took over the family’s studio, producing a prodigious number of paintings tailored to the export market. Museums and foreign collectors eagerly purchased his family’s works. His brother, Tinqua, refined their mass-production oil painting techniques but also specialized in watercolor. These artists defined the image of China in the West before the 1840s.
不过说来好笑,林官的弟弟叫庭官,关联昌(Guan Lianchang, born ca. 1809; active 1840–70,字俊卿,洋人称为庭呱(Tin Qua 或 Tingqua),也是一名画家,以水彩画著名,原是英国画家钱纳利的助手,后因与钱纳利竞争生意,两人交恶。他的名画插秧,目前由Peabody Essex Museum珍藏。兄弟两个都颇有天赋,以至于钱纳利画什么,二人都能仿得惟妙惟肖,以假乱真,而且价格更便宜。所以教会徒弟饿死师傅的真实故事,很快就在清末广州十三行上演了。因为无法在广州谋生了,钱纳利就搬到了澳门,并终老在那里,十多年的时间内,没有再返回广州一步。
  • 乔钱纳利自画像 - George Chinnery. Self-Portrait, ca. 1828. Oil on canvas, 8⅝ × 7¼ in. (21.9 × 18.4 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1943 (43.132.4). Chinnery painted more than a dozen self-portraits, the first of which he exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, in 1798; this is the most intimate and engaging of them all. An enigmatic figure, Chinnery was eccentric and volatile, with a tendency to hypochondria, a raconteur and wit with a gift for friendship. This likeness was painted in China and must date to the years 1825–28. Its first owner was the United States consul Benjamin Chew Wilcox, a businessman in the opium trade who commissioned a full-length portrait of himself from the artist (The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.).
Lamqua的仿作 - Lamqua. George Chinnery, ca. 1850. Oil on canvas, 9¾ × 7½ in. (24.7 × 19 cm). Hong Kong Museum of Art Collection (AH 1991-0003). Photograph: Hong Kong Museum of Art。
  • 谁是关作霖(Guan Zuolin)- 是 Spoilum(1770-1805)还是 Lamqua(1801-1860)?我的倾向,前者是关作霖,后者是关乔昌,二者是祖孙关系。详见(https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/675323)- The principal Cantonese artist in these endeavors was Tingqua’s older brother Lamqua (Guan Zuolin, 1801–1860), who was active from 1825 to 1860, a period coinciding with Chinnery’s stay
  • Lam Qua(1802-c.1860)和 Lamqua (1801-1860) 究竟是一个人,还是父子关系的两个人?我的倾向,二者是同一个人,也就是关乔昌,小名林官。详见(https://visualizingcultures.mit.edu/rise_fall_canton_01/cw_essay04.html)- Guan Qiaochang (1802–c.1860)— known to Westerners as Lam Qua - was the grandson of perhaps the most famous Canton artist, Spoilum, and the son of Lamqua (the same name spelled differently).









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