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holycow的个人空间 http://www.aswetalk.net/bbs/?4094 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


The answer my friend, is http://www.aswetalk.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=28&do=doing&doid=140539
  • 重重无尽: (1-11 11:36)
  • 老票: How many air disasters can passenger experience,Before they know the name of holycow? (1-11 11:41)
  • holycow: Yes, 'n' how many mayday must a pilot declare, before he knows the code to dial?  The answer, my friend, is seventy-seven hundred; the answer is 7700   (1-11 11:51)
  • 即晴: (1-11 11:57)
  • 老票: 拐拐洞洞,俗称“乖乖隆地咚~”     (1-11 12:23)
  • holycow: 韭菜炒大葱    (1-11 12:24)
  • 无言: 100个77加持 ,@齐若散 (1-11 13:05)
  • 齐若散: 7700   (1-11 19:26)
  • togo: 你们两个打算气死涤纶大爷吗 (1-11 16:24)
  • lorry: (1-11 13:43)
  • leekai: (1-11 23:55)
2019-1-11 11:29 回复|


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