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  • 无言: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO or D.O.) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. (10-4 23:52)
  • 无言: A DO graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. (10-4 23:53)
  • 沉宝: 任何一个大学的工科专业毕业生,工作后获得工程师证书,他们也都有相同的rights, privileges, and responsibilities 。但不能说没有鄙视链存在。 (10-5 01:08)
  • 阿忙: 这种歧视根本不存在,美国医生界拿这两个看得没区别,只有新到美国的新移民会有疑惑,因为以前没听说过这个DO (10-5 09:11)
  • 沉宝: 有人的地方就有江湖,只有不熟悉的人才会简单地认为没有区别。随便说两点吧:1)入学生的平均成绩,2)课程设置和毕业标准上DO追随MD,而不是相反。 (10-5 12:06)
  • 阿忙: 我旁边就有一个DO school,我老婆就是去那里上学,对于这个和MD的区别,比你清楚得多。课程设置是两个都要跟随一个标准,而DO有自己的特殊课 (10-5 22:10)
  • 长叶林: 电线杆子上的老军医,正好适合治疗川总。 (10-5 00:23)
  • 清凉山: 就是,治疮肿哪有那么讲究,没准老军医的方子更灵呢 (10-5 01:14)
  • drknight: MDs generally focus on treating specific conditions with medication. DOs, on the other hand, tend to focus on whole-body healing, with or without traditional medication. (10-5 02:13)
  • drknight: They generally have a stronger holistic approach and have been trained with additional hours of hands-on techniques. (10-5 02:13)
  • drknight: 这不就是中医吗 (10-5 02:14)
  • 七月群山: 我的医生也是DO (10-5 02:25)
  • 齐若散: DO You (10-5 07:14)
  • sylvia: 我的医生也是DO (10-5 03:49)
  • 齐若散: Yes, I DO (10-5 07:14)
  • 阿忙: 这俩在美国一样,没区别 (10-5 05:24)
2020-10-4 23:14 回复|


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