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[文学评论] 今天看了一部老的戏曲作品望江亭--顺带聊聊女性

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2014-5-4 23:03:50 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2014-5-4 23:16 编辑
    5 X8 H8 f; l7 I! V* c
    平沙落雁 发表于 2014-5-4 21:47 7 v  S( V2 U- \) W
    简爱对有钱人敌意的眼光透露在小说的字里行间,很难具体挑出具体例子,但没法否认她对阿黛尔的态度吧?阿 ...
    2 h7 J2 X$ p* p

    - x& C( H( G, v2 Q& W我个人觉得简爱的前半本很不错,婚礼之后的部分比较差。整体来说,我觉得我觉得这本小说还是很不错的,不过同她妹妹的呼啸山庄相比还是有不少距离。呼啸山庄属于我读过的最伟大的小说之一。
    $ h) Z6 D& K/ g, w; q
    ) L% u7 h2 V" e( a4 z我觉得你对简爱稍微苛求一点了。寄宿学校也不都是象简爱的开头描绘得那么可怕。英国最好的私立中学,象Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Westminster等都是寄宿学校,上流社会都把他们的孩子向那里送。Thomas Hughes还根据他在Rugby的日子(1834-1842),写过一本小说,Tom Brown's School Days,在19世纪大受欢迎,里面充满了其对Rugby的美好回忆。当然,这几所学校19世纪的时候,只招男生。但是质量高,环境好的女生寄宿学校也是有的。简爱既然自己不能照顾Adele,将她送到一所好的寄宿学校,未必不是一个好的选择。今天,Harry Potter里的Hogwarts也是寄宿学校,我觉得好多小朋友做梦都想去的。
    + g9 z" g3 n7 Z( F" J" b  J& w. l/ B' X
    2 u+ Y$ ]4 E( l8 C& K; w7 H8 m7 A* N! Y( _) }& X! O: t: z


    伯爵的观点我同意。简爱的确是由意淫的成分,不过主体还是很不错的。我们不应该苛求。作者一生不幸,借机意淫一下不为过。其实很多自传体都.....  发表于 2014-5-5 16:22
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2014-5-5 20:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
    平沙落雁 发表于 2014-5-5 00:19
    # A% x/ j, q0 k/ ^( l$ V& m% F$ q你们恐怕都没注意到阿黛尔从寄宿学校回来之后简爱的一段自白,她说目前的阿黛尔很明白自己在这个家里的地 ...

    - }2 l" D7 x# U你说的是这一段吗?$ [; P9 ^" Z: ]  G- ]: E0 Z
    ) p! y$ s, `! c. y3 s
    You have not quite forgotten little Adele, have you, reader? I had not; I soon asked and obtained leave of Mr. Rochester, to go and see her at the school where he had placed her. Her frantic joy at beholding me again moved me much. She looked pale and thin: she said she was not happy. I found the rules of the establishment were too strict, its course of study too severe for a child of her age: I took her home with me. I meant to become her governess once more, but I soon found this impracticable; my time and cares were now required by another--my husband needed them all. So I sought out a school conducted on a more indulgent system, and near enough to permit of my visiting her often, and bringing her home sometimes. I took care she should never want for anything that could contribute to her comfort: she soon settled in her new abode, became very happy there, and made fair progress in her studies. As she grew up, a sound English education corrected in a great measure her French defects; and when she left school, I found in her a pleasing and obliging companion: docile, good-tempered, and well-principled. By her grateful attention to me and mine, she has long since well repaid any little kindness I ever had it in my power to offer her.9 R  t% N+ g% B$ S$ ^
    ! r4 i, }" T% k) b$ y8 @' D7 ^: i
    5 e' G. Y0 ^1 i  b* K* J: k. k
    + d0 n* ^( e% I6 K& ^我估计你也不喜欢简奥斯丁,里面描绘的富人,除了男主人公,基本上也都是嘲讽的对象。富人的愚蠢和自私,随着他的财富和社会地位,放大了好多倍,特别的显眼,特别有喜剧效果。而简奥斯丁的一生同夏洛特勃朗特相比要幸福不少,这里的指责我觉得你过苛一点了。1 e' W0 e" u/ i9 r2 v

    : T% ?$ _: c6 N' o$ z- q4 |你的最后一段,我作为男性,对罗切斯特对简爱的感情觉得很自然,并不觉得那么意外。简爱的社会出身属于中产阶级,受过不错的教育,他们社会地位的差距也不是大到成为不可逾越的鸿沟。他们的结合属于improbable,但不是impossible。这里就是有些YY的成分,我也不怎么在乎。后来简爱得到2万英镑遗产那段,我倒是有些难以接受。  ~- {8 L* }! ^

    ; ]( h2 ?1 e$ T4 f( E# z) B
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2014-5-6 14:29:09 | 显示全部楼层
    平沙落雁 发表于 2014-5-6 08:39
    9 t9 F5 M) q+ ?' P, @% |; P" z* R罗先生在告诉简爱阿黛尔身世时已经非常明确地指出,阿黛尔根本不是他的私生女,跟他半毛钱关系都木有,是 ...

    # k* q. g  m0 ~$ F* }+ l8 y这是原文。6 v- r' s& o2 [9 N$ ]' @( n" x2 S
    # }3 z$ i% _/ f% O; {1 H
    He then said that she was the daughter of a French opera-dancer, Celine Varens, towards whom he had once cherished what he called a "grande passion." This passion Celine had professed to return with even superior ardour. He thought himself her idol, ugly as he was: he believed, as he said, that she preferred his "taille d'athlete" to the elegance of the Apollo Belvidere.5 y5 @( s/ }  l- k. j: Z

    , `6 W5 G( w+ ]8 }1 z"And, Miss Eyre, so much was I flattered by this preference of the Gallic sylph for her British gnome, that I installed her in an hotel; gave her a complete establishment of servants, a carriage, cashmeres, diamonds, dentelles, &c. In short, I began the process of ruining myself in the received style, like any other spoony.
    ! U- b9 `5 N2 s% I$ f: q' U+ s; s% A& z  q! K- C3 B' o8 E4 g
    Celine Varens是Rochester的情妇。, ~1 N! D; Z( R1 o
    / T! R, p# }! m
    ..., ...$ I7 H/ f3 J- c, w% {. B$ ^7 {1 i
    5 \' s% k) c# _
    But unluckily the Varens, six months before, had given me this filette Adele, who, she affirmed, was my daughter; and perhaps she may be, though I see no proofs of such grim paternity written in her countenance: Pilot is more like me than she. Some years after I had broken with the mother, she abandoned her child, and ran away to Italy with a musician or singer. I acknowledged no natural claim on Adele's part to be supported by me, nor do I now acknowledge any, for I am not her father; but hearing that she was quite destitute, I e'en took the poor thing out of the slime and mud of Paris, and transplanted it here, to grow up clean in the wholesome soil of an English country garden.8 ^3 t9 Z/ j, Z5 e4 u8 `& x

    6 ]& s# c$ X- i. ^Adele是Celine Varens是Rochester情妇的时候生的。Celine认为是Rochester的孩子。罗切斯特嘴上说不是的理由就是Celine 很可能那时和别的男人也有关系,再就是他觉得Adele和自己长得不像。但是那时没有DNA测试,他又怎么能肯定Adele不是他的孩子呢?我觉得Adele是Rochester私生女的可能性大于50%,他的这段推卸责任的话让我对其有些鄙夷。; S  _+ u3 z' s  A+ t3 M

    " T$ X8 j9 H! D3 Y7 N) Y  K
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2014-5-7 23:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2014-5-7 23:33 编辑 3 A7 P2 f  W  j) e2 K

    ! y7 o+ X7 u5 a/ ]# Y@库布其 8 c) X0 T( X# Y" E0 s# r, C
      p) Q# h2 x) ~2 n
    能点评下deep springs学校吗?前两天有人在微博晒录取通知书,才知道还有这种学校。这种学校在美国有多普遍?普通人对这种学校的看法如何? 谢谢。
    * L7 b/ g- K# \
    2 l/ u$ f  }6 x! g( m
    0 p5 C( @. R( c. n. ]% |1 {; f1 v* G: e
    Wikipedia上还提到除了Deep Spring College以外,美国还有7所学校属于Work college,体力劳动是学校科目必须的一部分。这些学校都不大,学生数量都是1千多人。算是美国高等教育的极少数吧。这些学校我以前都没有听说过,因此知名度应该都不高。但是如果适合一些学生的具体情况和要求的话,可能也是不错的选择。  j, j3 U2 t2 N  j* V1 a# U
    # H5 ?  X5 W7 x9 s. ]9 G' A
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_college3 x: \' B, u& B+ p9 M7 V: F* ?4 g

    . P! ~# d  h7 i! e* v( u$ ]: }


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