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分享 希特勒 “扯淡的汽车” 与苏联 “靠谱的铁路”
gordon 2017-5-17 09:19
半摩托化军队的问题    1933年1月希特勒上台执政时,他许下了一个坚定的,但含义不清的诺言:实现德国生活的现代化和机械化。从经济上和战略上看,这是有好处的,甚至是必不可少的,但单纯从功利主义的角度而言,人们就难以充分理解了。国家社会主义党一贯对汽车极感兴趣,在他们的集会、检阅和示威游行中大量使用汽车。他们甚至成立了一个专门的汽车驾驶员组织——纳粹汽车团。希特勒本人酷爱汽车,对汽车工艺和结构相当在行,对汽车发动机、开车的人、行车的路,都显示出强烈的兴趣,远远超出了一个国家元首的正常表现,因为汽车毕竟只是他的国家运输体系中的一种手段。 白色的高速公路和甲虫状的国民牌汽车,作为国家社会主义的展览品,显得格外突出。汽车远远不只是第三帝国手中的一种工具,它在很大程度上成了第三帝国的象征。 *************************************************************************    从德国陆军的观点来看,特别是从负责补给与运输的有关部门的观点来看,这种事态是既可喜,又可虑的。主要的问题是,希特勒在这个方面,如同他在所有其他方面一样,毫不重视行政上深入细致的安排,也没有耐性来实现长期的计划。而只有实行长期的计划他才有可能最终建立起一支均衡发展的摩托化军队。他所追求的是外表上的富丽堂皇,而且急于求成。因此,他渴望能够两全齐美:既要装点门面,引人注目;又要在战术上得到好处。国社党执政几年后,这种政策的效果几乎每天都可以从无穷无尽的军事检阅和夜间军事操练中看得出来。在载着纳粹要人的车队驶过之后,随之而来的就是坦克和其他战车排成密集队形的装甲部队与摩托化部队。 这些表演确实叫人眼花缭乱 ,但在迷人的魅力之后却隐藏着可虑的问题。有些问题是错误的政策所致,有些则来源于各种根深蒂固的困难,使得德国国防军此刻开始进行的这番事业,前景十分暗淡。    最重要的结果也许是把公路的地位提高到了与铁路并驾齐驱的程度。第一次世界大战时,德国充分发挥了内线铁路的作用,从而能够同几乎是整个世界的联合力量抗衡。正是因为后来肯定了这个成就,格罗纳才能从执行施里芬计划的铁道处长变成魏玛共和国的陆军部长。但是,1914年的经验,以及尔后整个战争中双方在西线发动的每一次进攻战的经验都证明,铁路过于死板不灵,难以保障战场上的机动作战。即便实现了战术突破,补给品也送不上去。所以,希特勒及其将领们既然把未来成功的赌注押在自行装甲战车的战术之上,他们就必然要寻求一种更灵活的后勤手段,而这种手段只能是汽车。    要在未来战场上取得成功,实现补给部队的摩托化的确是十分重要的,甚至是必不可少的;但从战略上看,其好处却大可怀疑。根据1939年的技术条件,1,600辆载重汽车的运载能力才抵得上一条双轨铁路,此外,从实际载重量加以比较,汽车在一切方面(燃料、人力、备件、维修)的消耗都大于铁路,因此, 当运输距离超过200英里时,铁路仍有优越性 。这就是说, 从战役或战术的角度看,实现摩托化实有必要,但它对战略的影响并不大。 而且,无论作多大的努力,在可以预见的将来汽车也不可能改变火车作为德国主要运输手段的状况,更不用说取而代之了。    事实上,希特勒实现军队摩托化的决心弄得他两头落空。从投资情况看,铁路被忽视了,结果 机车和车厢的总数在1914 至1939年间有减少的趋势 。同时, 汽车工业的发展又不足以兼顾民用需要和新建立的摩托化军队的需要 。1939年9月1日,在德国的公路上,各种类型的四轮汽车还不到100万辆,按人口平均计算,每70人才有一辆,而美国是每10人一辆。最后, 摩托化需要的不是德国拥有的煤和钢,而是德国所没有的橡胶和石油 。直到第二次世界大战爆发之前,还有人质问,这种依赖进口原料的政策究竟是否明智。 虽然进行人工合成,并大胆地采用各种应急办法,但筹措橡胶和石油的困难贯穿于战争的始终 。这样,尽管实现摩托化可能是从1914-1918年的战术死胡同中走出来的唯一途径,但从后勤角度看,其优越性仍然是可疑的。    从希特勒开始重建武装的1933年到1939年,事实证明德国的汽车工业根本保证不了陆军需要的装备。战争前夕,在实有的103个师中,只有16个装甲师、摩托化师和“轻型”师实现了完全的摩托化,因而无论战术行动或战略行动均能在某种程度上摆脱对铁路的依赖性。其余部队均靠步行。虽然每个步兵师在编制上有942辆汽车(不包括摩托车)。 但其补给品大部分仍由1,200辆马车载运 。更糟的是,所有这些车辆在建制上均属于作战部队, 主要只用于在作战地带内进行运输 。 至于在基地仓库和铁路终点站之间,全军只有3个汽车团 (被称为重型运输队,以别于部队的轻型运输队),共约9,000人,6,600辆车(其中在修的估计经常为20%),总载重量19,500吨。将这一运载能力同消耗数字作对比是毫无意义的,因为德军的所有部队不可能同时行动。然而,我们可以作另一种比较:1944年同盟国为保障在法国作战的47个师,虽拥有69,400吨的汽车运载能力,仍然感到运力严重不足。    由于筹措汽车极为困难,因而很大一部分车辆不得不直接取自民间经济部门 。 结果,车辆的型号多得不堪设想。所有型号的车辆又都要供应备件 ,而且,供应的速度因战争的需要必须大大加快。在战争的最初几年, 由于备件需要量太大,因而连已经实现了的低水平的摩托化也无法维持 。从1939年冬至1940年春,以及从1940年冬至1941年春,德军先后两次撤消了一部分部队和补给单位的汽车,尽管到1940年冬已有88个师(占总数的40%)是靠缴获的法国物资器材装备起来的。    德军部分摩托化的另一个不良后果,是 造成了部队机动能力的悬殊 。德军的汽车不是均匀地分布在全军,而是集中于少数部队。结果形成了两支不同的部队:一支是机动的、能快速运动的;另一支是笨重的,行动迟缓的。要使机动性大相径庭的两支部队行动协调一致是很困难的,因为前者总是远远超出于后者。而对落在后面的步兵兵团的运动,必须实行最严格的控制,以防其挡住极端重要的先头装甲部队的补给纵队。这样,就产生了选择道路的问题,计算通过时间的问题、维持交通纪律的问题,也就是产生了复杂的后勤问题。 艾什比定律: 要么被管对象简单化,要么管理者复杂化。 *********************************************************************    德军不仅后勤装备不够完善,其后勤组织也是如此。战时,所有铁路和水路运输,无论民用军用,均由盖耳克将军掌管,他是陆军总司令部运输部长,又是国防军总司令部运输总监。但是,战区后勤地带的汽车运输却不由他指挥,而由陆军总司令部军需部长瓦格纳将军指挥,当然,瓦格纳也负责提供待运的补给品。于是,陆军后勤保障被分给了两个主管部门:一个控制着补给线的两端,另一个掌握着它的中段。更糟的是,盖耳克的部门不管海军和空军。对于海军和空军的运输,他只负协调之责,他所能做的,最多只是要求海空军将其运输力量也交由他来掌管而已。    1939年和1940年的各次战局,虽然时间短,行动距离较小,但已经使所有上述问题(甚至更多的问题)暴露无遗。在进攻波兰时,双方对铁路的破坏极其严重,只是因为波兰迅速投降,才使德军的后勤体系免于崩溃。 公路交通状况简直骇人听闻,使得各汽车连的车辆损失了50% 。要弥补这些损失事实上是不可能的,因为每一季度分给陆军的1,000辆新出厂的汽车,连补充因正常磨损而停用的车辆都不够。鉴于汽车总数迅速减少,陆军总司令部被迫于1940年1月削减摩托化补给车队的数量, 每个步兵师削减一半,而以马车代替 。但是,就连这一极端措施也不能完全解决问题。新的战局开始时,各部队的车辆仍只能达到编制数的90%。这支即将震撼整个西方的军队是靠发横财过日子的。 它把胜利的希望部分地寄托在缴获品和利用法国、荷兰和比利时的车辆上。    的确,德军在西欧战局期间,半摩托化状态不仅决定着它的推进速度,而且影响到进军的方式。由于军队系由两个机动性不同的部分组成, 最初计划由步兵师实施攻击,打开缺口,然后把钢用在刀刃上,由快速部队突入纵深,扩张战果 。实际上这是德军的标准打法,以后在巴尔干以及在入侵俄国时都是采用这种打法。但在法国作战时, 由于阿登山区道路很少,担心以步兵师向默兹河实施运动进攻会造成道路堵塞,才决定一开始就便用装甲部队和摩托化部队展开进攻。结果,先头装甲部队运动太快,古德里安只用3天就到达了默兹河 ,而不是按原计划用5天。这样,在装甲部队和步兵部队之间形成了很大的空隙。希特勒为此十分担心德军左翼的安全,终于决定让装甲部队在快要到达敦刻尔克时停止了前进。    战局的第一阶段以合围和歼灭比利时境内的英法联军而告终。此后,为继续向魏刚防线进军,德军面临着部队的再补给问题。为此,打算在布鲁塞尔-里尔-瓦朗西安-沙勒罗瓦-那慕尔地区建立前方补给基地。由于铁路桥梁、隧道和跨线桥遭到象1914年那样严重的破坏,建立前方补给基地这一艰巨工作更加困难。因此,大约在5月20日,瓦格纳打电话给帝国运输部长,要求将“德国的所有汽车”都立即交他调遣。这些汽车应驶往艾克斯拉沙彼尔,那里有一名军官等候,将它们编成车队,并发给汽车司机以“德国国防军”袖章。向布鲁塞尔派出了一个专门的参谋机构,负责监督在比利时建立新的补给基地。据报告,该基地作好了于5月22日开始工作的准备。这一天,有总载重量达12,000吨的汽车(其中2,000吨来自荷兰)满载物资上了路。与此同时,瓦格纳还利用了能开到安特卫普的列车(从5月24日起每天15列)以及从杜伊斯堡到布鲁塞尔的水路运输工具。由于他的这些努力,德军得以于6月5日重新开始进攻。    虽然对法作战仅持续了6个星期,并获得了有史以来最大的胜利之一,但希特勒并未忽视陆军后勤的根本性弱点。尽管许多物资(特别是弹药)的消耗量并不大,但先头装甲部队由于推进太快,补给上的困难仍然很大。 如果不是实行了空运补给,并侥幸缴获了大量油料,其进攻本来是会中途停顿的 。 至于长途跋涉的步兵,机动性并不比25年前甚至70年前高多少 。由于缺乏行军纪律,马车和汽车共用同一道路,常常拥挤不堪,有时甚至形成堵塞。虽然被破坏的铁路修复很快,但铁道兵数量太少,不能进行有效的管理,而民用铁路部门提供的人员业务又不熟练。因此,当战局还在进行之际,元首就下令对陆军补给系统进行彻底改组。但这次改组并未收到圆满的效果,因为德国的一些根本弱点,如汽车工业不发达、油料补给不可靠等等,是任何权宜之计所无法克服的。
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分享 武士道的再发明2 —— 亚尔马。沙赫特
gordon 2017-3-7 05:49
亚尔马 。 沙赫特 1944年被牵扯进谋害希特勒 的 720事件,被送进达豪集中营。1945年达豪被盟军占领。1948年受审无罪释放后,先后担任印度尼西亚、埃及 的 经济顾问,1952年在阿以中东战争中作为埃及 的 顾问,1953年后回到德国重新投入金融界,同时写作回忆录《我 的 前76年》、《一个老巫师 的 告白》。1970年6月4日,在希特勒和罗斯福死去整整25年后,93岁高龄 的 沙赫特 去世。他象一只从树上掉下来 的 猫,姿态难看却总能安全地四脚落地,一时 的 凶险也变成了因祸得福 的 契机。读他那洋洋洒洒一册又一册 的 回忆录,你很难相信这个耄耋老人身上有如此过人 的 精力和记忆力。甚至还在监狱他就和出版商定了合同,在 儿子 战死,自己等待受审、前途未卜 的 日子里,我看到这个71岁 的 老巫师写道: “我一直雄心勃勃,现在我依然如此。” 不知为什么,这种过于强烈 的 生命意志,令我反感,就像对第三帝国那种狞厉嚣张 的 美。也许唯一例外 的 是这个细节。当写到他 的 爱子Jen在苏联战俘营里失踪,文风铺张华丽 的 沙赫特 只淡淡说了一句:他是个温和而内向 的 孩子,本该是个很好 的 经济学家.可是呢?他活到了93岁,然而包括他 的 孩子在内,几千万年青人死于这场战争。他一生梦想着德国 的 强大复兴,在临死前,他看到 的 是自己帮助发动 的 战争制造出 的 一道柏林墙。
659 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 朱可夫回忆诺门坎之战2 —— 斯大林讲笑话
gordon 2016-11-27 13:00
摘自《朱可夫回忆录》 第十四章 莫斯科会战 古德里安将军、霍特将军以及其他人认为,除了希特勒的错误外,他们军队在莫斯科附近失败的主要原因是俄国的气候寒冷。 当然,天气和自然条件在任何军事行动中都起作用。所有这些虽然都 在同样程度上对作战双方起作用 。但希特勒匪徒身上穿着从居民那里抢来的御寒衣服,脚上穿着简陋的自制稻草套靴。短皮大衣、毡靴、棉背心、防寒衬衣,所有这一切也都是武器!我们国家保证自己的战土穿得很暖和。而德军却没有过冬的准备。 这是由于希特勒统帅部打算轻装走遍俄国, 计划在几个星期或几个月内就结束整个战争 。就是说,问题不在于天气,而在于法西斯上层领导集团 政略和战略上的过失。 另一些将军和资产阶级历史学家把一切都归罪于道路泥泞。这种说法并不新奇。断送了80万军队的拿破仑也归罪于俄国的天气。 但我亲眼看到,在同样的道路泥泞中,成千成万的莫斯科人, 主要是妇女 进行他们并不习惯的艰苦的工程作业 ,挖防坦克壕、堑壕,设置桩砦, 修筑障碍物,搬运沙袋。泥泞粘住了他们的脚和运土的手推车的轮子,使本来对妇女不适用的铁锹大大加重了 。 我还想对那些企图用天气不好来掩盖在莫斯科附近失败的真正原因的人补充说一句,1941年10月,道路泥泞时期是比较短的。11月最初几天比较冷,下了雪,道路到处畅通无阻。在希特勒军队发赶“总攻”的11月份,在莫斯科方向作战地区内,气温 稳定在零下7°—10°。大家知道,在这样天气条件下,是不会有泥泞的。 不!不是雨和雪在莫斯科附近阻住了法西斯军队,而是受到苏联人民、首都和祖国支持的苏军的不届不挠、坚忍不拔的精神和英雄主义打败了德军百万以上精锐部队。 至于谈到暂时不进攻莫斯科和将部分兵力调到乌克兰的问题,可以说,如果不进行这次战役,德军“中央”集团 的情况会更糟。因为,在9月被用以填补西南方向上缺口的最高统帅部预备队,在12月反攻时,可以在敌人“中央”集团 军群进攻莫斯科时用来向其翼侧和后方实施猛烈的突击。 由于第二阶段进攻莫斯科的完全失败和闪击战计划的破产而发疯的希特勒,为自己找到了“替罪羊”,撤销了陆军总司令布劳希齐元帅、“中央”团 军群司令冯—博克元帅、坦克第2集团 军司令古德里安将军和几十名其他将军的职务。而在一个半到两个月前,希特勒还慷慨地授予这些人以十字勋章。希特勒宣布自己为陆军总司令,看来,他认为这样就可以对军队起到魔术般的作用。 1941年12月11日,希特勒德国政府宣布对美国作战。显然,希特勒想以此达到两个目的。第一、 他想表明,德国虽然遭受了损失,仍然是强大的,不仅能够同苏联、英国作战,而且能够同美国作战 。第二、他想加速推动日本对美作战,以避免美国在欧洲参加对德战争。斯大林得知这一消息后,笑道: “有意思,希特勒德国准备用什么力量同美国作战?它既没有能进行这种战争的远程航空兵,也没有相应的海上兵力。”
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分享 拿破仑与希特勒做的几乎是同一件事,为什么对二者的评价却相差甚大?(转) ... ... ...
热度 2 gordon 2016-11-6 12:53
因为历史都是以各民族国家(nation-state)为本位写的。 在蛮族征服罗马帝国之后,在法国大革命之前,欧洲的状况是:不管是“国家”还是“领土“都是贵族的私产。一个城市的女公爵结婚了,可以把一个国家当做嫁妆带给她的丈夫;一个王国的领土可以互不相连地遍布欧洲各处,其人民可以操着不同样的语言,分属不同的民族和宗教;反过来,同一个民族的人民可以分属不同的国王和或爵爷的统治之下。这种体制有好有坏,它避免了中央集权制的许多毛病,也大体能保持稳定,但它本身也因为经济、讯息、交通等发展而越来越显得不合时宜。 其实,这种体制最大的弱点是一些民族没有国家(如波兰)另一些民族国家太多了(如德意志)。 奋法国诸王之余烈,乘大革命之余威,唱着“人民主权来到了,暴君们下棺材吧!”的法国军队数败反法同盟,征服大半个欧洲。普、奥、俄等旧王朝割地赔款,拿破仑成了欧洲的主人。那么问题来了,该 怎样巩固新占领的帝国,确保成为可靠的军饷和兵员来源地呢 ? 拿破仑的解决方法是:按照文化和语言,重新立国;依照法国的成例,重新立法。 然后把自己的亲戚送过去当国王。 这和欧洲的旧王权有区别吗?除了更有效率以外,其实很少。 但关键是:在哈布斯堡、霍亨索伦以及罗曼诺夫这样大王朝统治下的民族得到了自己的国家。 这样一来,在欧洲很多国家的历史中,拿破仑都是“祖师爷”型的人物。谈意大利史绕不开拿破仑的意大利王国,讲波兰史绕不开华沙大公国,讲德国史绕不开莱茵邦联,讲犹太人的历史绕不开拿破仑解放犹太人“隔都”(ghetto)命令。 当然,讲法国史也绕不开拿破仑的制度、教育、军制还有法典。 拿破仑做了那么多事情,当然不是无所求的。一次又一次地,他 不是以法国,而是以这些独立国家的名义征召男儿上战场 ,却又将他们的生命浪费在了海地的丛林里,西班牙的村落间,俄国的雪地上。 这种民族国家体制在拿破仑生前并不受人待见,俄皇亚历山大一世向东推进的时候,欧洲各国是箪食壶浆以迎王师,德国人更是群起响应。维也纳条约重新建立君主制权威的时候,也没有遇到什么像样的阻碍。 但是,这只是暂时的。 从1848年全欧革命,到1861年意大利统一,1871年德国统一,1919年威玛共和国成立,1918年波兰复国,渐渐的,欧洲各国家挣脱了古老王朝的束缚,成为民族国家。 哈布斯堡、霍亨索伦、罗曼诺夫三顶(算上奥斯曼就是四顶)王冠落地。一百年前那个不太计较国籍出身的矮子笑到了最后。 ======================================================================= 其实读一读《我的奋斗》,字里行间透露出一种“复古”之幽情。种族屠杀是复古,强调农人和土地的联系是复古,就连征服欧洲,也不过是为了让德国人成为新世纪的封建贵族,“下等人”如斯拉夫则变为新千年的农奴。说穿了,希特勒的千年帝国只不过是想重复一下当年日耳曼先民征服罗马帝国,创造千年黑暗时代的历史罢了。 ======================================================================= 拿破仑虽然称帝,但他一直在积极 维护民权 ,尤其是新生资本阶级和小市民阶级的权益, 打压旧贵族 。并且通过法律的形式在占领区转播。而他的军事行动也大多针对于自法国大革命以来一直支持保皇党的英国、奥地利及普鲁士。所以从把这些军事行动即是一场反对外国势力的防卫,又是一场新兴资产阶级对老的欧洲权贵的一次反扑。通过他的一系列军事行动有力的打击了欧洲的封建势力,传播了一些源自法国大革命的启蒙进步思想,同时法国在科学技术上的成就也传播到了更广阔的欧洲。所以拿破仑虽然发动了失败的侵略战争,但战败后不论是在法国民众或是敌国历史中他和希特勒的评价都是完全不一样的。 而希特勒的战争除了促进了人类在原子能和火箭科学方面的进步外其它一无是处。
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分享 德国接纳穆斯林劳工,还真不是美国人使坏
gordon 2016-4-28 19:56
美国是很擅长捣鬼的。但唯独欧洲接纳难民这件事,还真不认为是美国使坏——当年希特勒下令大力支援“阿拉伯自由运动”以牵制英国,土耳其在一战二战都是德 国的朋友。战后大量接纳穆斯林劳工也几乎是德国的传统国策——默克尔不过是按传统套路走而已。
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分享 [ZT]What the Führer means for Germans today
热度 11 Dracula 2015-12-18 01:04
What the Führer means for Germans today Seventy years after Adolf Hitler’s death, how Germans see him is changing http://www.economist.com/news/christmas-specials/21683971-seventy-years-after-adolf-hitlers-death-how-germans-see-him-changing-what IN GERMANY, as in the rest of Europe, copyright expires seven decades after the author’s year of death. That applies even when the author is Adolf Hitler and the work is “Mein Kampf”. Since 1945, the state of Bavaria has owned the book’s German-language rights and has refused to allow its republication. German libraries stock old copies, and they can be bought and sold. But from January 1st no permission will be needed to reprint it. Those living outside Germany may not immediately grasp the significance of the moment. “Mein Kampf” has always been available in translation and is now just a click away online. But that is not the point. For Germans, the expiry of the copyright has caused hand-wringing and controversy. The question, as they ring in the new year, is not what to do about “Mein Kampf” as it enters the public domain. Rather, it is what Hitler means for Germany today. “Mein Kampf” is a mix of autobiography and manifesto that Hitler began writing during a rather comfortable prison stay after his failed putsch of 1923. It was first published in two volumes in 1925 and 1926. The title means “My Struggle”, and Hitler certainly struggled with syntax, grammar and style. One contemporary reviewer ridiculed it as “Mein Krampf” (My Cramp). Much of it is dull or incomprehensible today. Some phrases demand parody: “Columbus’s eggs lie around by the hundreds of thousands, but Columbuses are met with less frequently.” Woven into the prose are crude Social Darwinism and anti-Semitism that resonated even beyond Germany, as well as hints of the author’s murderous potential. Having been gassed by the British in the first world war, Hitler writes: if some of the “Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.” It is not clear how many Germans read the tome. But after 1933, when Hitler seized power, it became a bestseller. From 1936 some municipalities gave it to newlyweds after their vows, and by the end of the second world war about 13m copies were in print. After the war it fell to the Americans to decide what to do about the book, because Hitler’s last private address, in Munich, was in their sector. The Third Reich was gone and the Federal Republic of Germany would not be born until 1949. So the Americans transferred the rights to the government of Bavaria. It banned printing of the book. This approach reflected the first post-war phase in the German treatment of Hitler’s legacy. The idea was to suppress anything that might tempt the Germans to fall back under his spell. The Allies and the new German government followed a policy of “de-nazification”, under which known Nazis were banned from important positions. But as the cold war unfolded, West Germany was needed as an ally. For lack of alternatives, ministries, courtrooms and schools employed former Nazis again. In the late 1940s and 1950s Germans avoided discussing Hitler. Many men were returning from captivity. Many women had been raped. People had been displaced, orphaned or widowed. Germans had been both perpetrators and victims, and had no words for their state of mind. Many were traumatised and could not bear to talk about their experiences. They found it psychologically easier to dwell in the present and keep busy with the Wirtschaftswunder, the post-war “economic miracle”. Many still denied the full scale of the Holocaust. According to Thomas Sandkühler, author of “Adolf H.”, a recent biography, a poll in the 1950s found that almost half of West Germans thought Hitler would have been “one of the greatest German statesmen” if he had not started the war. A new phase began in the 1960s, after the Israelis captured, tried and executed Adolf Eichmann, a leading Nazi. This made more details of the Holocaust public. Starting in 1963, 22 former SS men were prosecuted in Frankfurt for their crimes in Auschwitz. The Germans were glued to these cases: 20,000 people went to the Frankfurt courtroom during the sessions. For the first time Vergangenheitsbewältigung (“coping with the past”) came to kitchen tables, where it split families. Sons and daughters accused their parents and professors of complicity and rebelled at home and on campus. Their elders retreated into sanitised tales of what they had done or lived through. A husband-and-wife team of psychoanalysts, Alexander and Margarete Mitscherlich, called this pathology “the inability to grieve” in a book of that title published in 1967. This mired the Germans in an ongoing moral and psychological crisis, they thought. Official Germany found two responses. East Germany adopted the fiction that its righteous communists had resisted the “fascists” all along. In effect, it never reckoned with the past. But West Germany accepted its guilt and atoned publicly. It became a pacifist society, often called “post-heroic” in contrast to the Allies’ warrior cultures. It also became “post-national”: West Germans rarely flew their flag and barely whispered their anthem at sporting events. The young sought identity either sub-nationally (as Swabians or Bavarians, say) or supra-nationally, as good Europeans. But starting in the 1970s a pent-up fascination with Hitler began to re-emerge. Two biographies and a documentary came out, and in 1979 Germany aired “Holocaust”, an American television series, which shocked Germans into a new round of soul-searching. Many changed their perceptions in a way that Richard von Weizsäcker, then West Germany’s president, expressed in a historic speech in 1985, on the 40th anniversary of Germany’s surrender. May 8th 1945 was not the date of Germany’s defeat and collapse, he said, but of its liberation. After reunification in 1990—the formal end of the post-war era—the German public became ravenous for more research. Der Spiegel, a weekly news magazine, featured Hitler on its cover 16 times during the 1990s. A book by an American historian, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, in which he argued that ordinary Germans were “Hitler’s Willing Executioners”, became a hit. A museum exhibition about the Wehrmacht, Germany’s wartime army, argued that ordinary soldiers (rather than just the SS) had participated in the Holocaust. Germans queued around the block to see it. But there was a parallel trend towards what Germans call “Hitler porn” and “Hitler kitsch”. The Führer became a marketing tool. It started in the 1980s when Stern, a magazine, published what it alleged was Hitler’s diary, a sensation that turned out to be fake. Since the 1990s the history channel on German television has aired almost nightly documentaries on Hitler’s women, henchmen, last days, ailments, table silver or German Shepherd dog (called Blondi). Any footage of the small man with the toothbrush moustache draws an audience. In that way, Hitler has become like sex and violence: bait to sell copies or to grab attention. But this fascination also suggests a new distance. Most of the audience, after all, now have no personal recollection of Hitler. This explains another genre: satire. During his lifetime, it was Germany’s enemies who parodied Hitler, as in Charlie Chaplin’s film of 1940, “The Great Dictator”. But in 1998 Walter Moers became the first German satirist to score a hit with a comic strip, “Adolf, die Nazi-Sau” (“Adolf, the Nazi pig”). Its producer called the character “the greatest pop star we’ve ever created”. The latest bestseller is “Look Who’s Back” by Timur Vermes, translated into English this year. Hitler wakes up in today’s Berlin near his old bunker. Disoriented at first, he so amuses everybody he meets, including his Turkish dry-cleaner, that he is launched on a meteoric career as a comedian. His hip colleagues are convinced that he is a consummate “messed ekta” (Berlinish-English for method actor) offering a subtle critique of modern media culture. For young Germans the Führer has thus receded far enough into the past to seem outlandish and weird rather than potentially seductive. In “Look Who’s Back”, he regurgitates inane phrases from “Mein Kampf”, such as: “The titmouse seeks the titmouse, the finch the finch, the stork the stork, the field mouse the field mouse…” But the words and the diction, with its famously rolled “r”, have no effect other than hilarity. One by one, post-war taboos connected to Hitler are vanishing. Flag-waving is one. A breakthrough occurred in 2006, when Germany hosted the football World Cup. For the first time since the war the black-red-and-gold came out everywhere, draping balconies, prams, cars and bikinis. But so did the flags of the visiting countries, and Germany turned into one big street party. Hosts and visitors perceived it as nothing but fun. In a poll by YouGov this year, Germans were asked what person or thing they associate with Germany. They named Volkswagen first (awkwardly, given subsequent revelations of its cheating). Then came Goethe and Angela Merkel, the chancellor, next the anthem, the national football team and Willy Brandt, a former chancellor. Hitler ranked a distant seventh at 25%. In the same poll 70% of Germans said they were proud of their country. About as many thought that Germany was a model of tolerance and democracy, and that it was time to stop feeling guilt and shame. Forever abnormal And yet 75% also said that Hitler’s crimes mean Germany still cannot be a “normal” country and must play a “special international role”. This means that many Germans somehow combine both pride and penance. Attempts to resolve this inner conflict shape much of German culture today, even when the subject ostensibly has nothing to do with Hitler. Start with Germany’s political discourse. In contrast to the French, British and Americans, Germans worry a lot about surveillance by governments, whether foreign or German. The anxiety stems from memories of Hitler’s Gestapo (and more recently the East German Stasi). There is also a wide consensus that Germany has a special responsibility towards Israel. Pacifism runs through all mainstream political parties. Indeed Germany is discomfited by power generally, especially its own. At home and abroad it advocates right over might. Hence its apparent obsession with rules, even to the exasperation of its partners (in the euro crisis, for example). Hence also its reluctance to act like a “hegemon”, as its allies often demand. Asked whether Mrs Merkel is “the most powerful leader in the European Union”, her spokesman replies indignantly: “Those are not the categories in which we think.” In political style, too, Germany seems to want constantly to prove that it has moved on from Hitler. Germans flocked to Barack Obama when he visited Berlin as a candidate in 2008 in part for his soaring oratory. But they would never accept such rhetoric in their own politicians, for it would remind them of Hitler’s demagogic charisma. Led by Mrs Merkel, “the entire German political class uses a kind of sanitised Lego language, snapping together prefabricated phrases made of hollow plastic”, says Timothy Garton Ash, a British Germanophile at Oxford University. “Because of Hitler, the palette of contemporary German political rhetoric is deliberately narrow, cautious and boring.” Domestic life is governed by Germany’s post-war constitution, which was adopted in 1949 as a direct rejoinder to Hitler’s worldview and has become a source of patriotism today. Its first article stipulates that “human dignity shall be inviolable”. This translates into police practices that would count as touchy-feely in America, prisons that resemble low-budget hotels, and one of Europe’s most welcoming policies towards asylum-seekers, despite all the strain that this has imposed during the current refugee crisis. But because of Hitler, the Germans “no longer dare to develop grand visions”, argues Stephan Grünewald, a German psychologist and author of “Germany on the Couch”. They resist getting excited about big ideas lest they succumb again to some obsession. Instead, Germans publicly don a “cool indifference” in an atmosphere of stultifying political correctness. They are willing to back big reforms—as in the country’s energy transition to renewables—only when there is no moral ambiguity. Part of them, says Mr Grünewald, still yearns to graduate from the “historical position of world destroyer to that of world saviour”. This does not mean that Hitler made today’s Germans boring. Official Germany still displays virtues the world considers German, such as punctuality and reliability. But behind this “protective shield”, say psychologists at Rheingold Salon, a market-research firm in Cologne, many Germans adopt highly idiosyncratic lifestyles in everything from hobbies to sex. Contrary to stereotype, Germans are often secret eccentrics. The hidden Schmerz and Angst There is, however, an even more intimate domain in which Hitler continues to torment older and middle-aged Germans: their minds. One generation, defined roughly as those born between 1928 and 1947, is called the Kriegskinder (“war children”). The other, born between 1955 and 1970 or so, consists of their children and is called the Kriegsenkel (“war grandchildren”). These terms come from Helmut Radebold, a psychotherapist who is now 80 years old. As a war child he was evacuated from Berlin when it was bombed and then “overrun by the Russians”. At night his mother dug a hole in haystacks, curled up inside and made little Helmut lie on top of her to avoid being found and raped. In the 1980s Mr Radebold was treating men of his generation for various psychological ailments. Gradually, he saw connections to the war, because these Kriegskinder had “never been allowed to grieve”. “I myself became depressed and often cried,” Mr Radebold recalls. “My own history caught up with me.” He began writing books about the phenomenon. Much of what seems strange today about some older Germans has roots in these repressed memories, he says. Why do these people squirrel away food amid plenty? Why are they scared of fireworks or sirens? Why do some women in nursing homes wail uncontrollably when male carers come to change their nappies at night? As the Kriegskinder age, he says, old traumas resurface. Their children, the Kriegsenkel, have different problems. As they grew up, their parents were often emotionally frozen. The elders came out of the war in a sedated or numb state from which they never fully emerged, says Sabine Bode, another writer on the topic. This impaired relations with their children, who, by intuiting what must never be said or what was omitted with a sigh, inherited their parents’s trauma. Later, as adults, they asked—as Mr Radebold’s daughter did—questions such as: Why were you never interested in our little problems? And why do we have nightmares about your firebombings? In recent years support groups have formed for the grandchildren of the war. Only about 40% of middle-aged Germans share such “transgenerational” trauma, says Mr Radebold. But much of the stereotypical German angst and yearning for order and stability originates here. Mrs Bode thinks that many of the Kriegsenkel today have “lower life energy”. As “Mein Kampf” loses its copyright, German society is more complex than ever. One in five Germans today has immigrant roots and thus no family link to Hitler’s time. Many of the young know little history and find Hitler alien and fascinating. A few—somewhat more in what used to be East Germany—shout Sieg heil at neo-Nazi rock concerts because they are drawn to Hitler’s ability to shock the establishment. Other Germans have complex cocktails of emotions. They are extra-keen to do good—by helping refugees, for example. Yet they remain afraid of themselves and their compatriots. And so Germany remains vigilant, if not quite paranoid. Most federal states ban licence plates with certain combinations (such as HH 88, code for “Heil Hitler”). An effort is under way to ban a neo-Nazi party called NPD, even though it won a mere 1% in the European elections of 2014. Releasing “Mein Kampf” into the public domain was thus never going to be easy. In 2012 Bavaria convened Jewish and Roma representatives in Nuremberg for a discussion. They agreed that Bavaria should fund a scholarly edition to drive new right-wing publications out of the market and demystify the book. The state parliament approved the plan unanimously. A research institute was selected and got to work. But later that year Bavaria’s premier, Horst Seehofer, visited Israel, where some victims’ groups opposed the plan. Faced with these conflicting attitudes, Bavarian officialdom took fright. In 2013 the state pulled out of the scholarly effort, which now proceeds without official backing. Meanwhile, the justice ministers of the 16 federal states have said that they will continue to prosecute anybody hawking the book for “incitement of the people”. If a country can ever be said to be good, Germany today can. And yet Germans know that whenever others are angry with them, they will paint a Hitler moustache on posters of their chancellor. Many Germans are fed up with this—with being “blackmailed”, as Bild, the leading tabloid, complained this spring, when Greece unexpectedly brought war reparations into negotiations about bail-outs in the euro crisis. Other Germans, mainly on the left, fret about a new “post-post-nationalism”, as Germany tentatively articulates its self-interest abroad. For most countries, this would count as normal. For Germany, it remains complicated.
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分享 日本的人口 —— 中国为什么能学日本?(转)
gordon 2015-12-13 07:02
注:中国改开后的发展轨迹和日本很像,那中国为什么能学日本?有人论证过吗? ************************************************************************************** 日本从1920年起,每10年进行一次大规模的“国势调查”。 “国势调查”每10年进行一次大规模调查(以调查实施年10月1日凌晨零时为调查时刻),每5年进行一次简易调查。 而在调查实施年之间的人口动向则发表于总务厅统计局的《人口推算月报》与《人口推算资料》。 每两次“国势调查”的中间(5年)进行一次简易的调查。 根据1920年进行第一次国势调查,当时的日本人口为5596万人。 日本人口的增长经历了明治维新以前的“多生多死”、明治维新以后至战前的“多生少死”和战后的“少生少死”这样三个阶段。 从“多生少死”转为“少生少死”的原因是,明治维新以后,随着工业化的进展与经济的增长,国民生活较之过去有所提高,公众卫生条件也有所改善,从而导致死亡率下降。但是,人们对结婚、生育的传统看法仍然倾向于“多生贵子”,因此形成了“多生少死”的局面。 人口增长率从1880年的0.76%提高到1900年的1.18%,1915年的1.4%. 人口增长率提高的原因固然与出生率上升有关,但更主要的是因为死亡率的下降。 注:打了一场第二次世界大战,死亡率终于上升了。呵呵 第一次世界大战 (简称一战,1914年8月—1918年11月) 1919年,中国爆发了五四运动。 实际上很多事情都很简单,不要想复杂了。 中国的很多事情也很简单,你想复杂了。 7000万:4万万同胞=7:40 苏联和蒙古国起了很大的作用,沿着大清的旧路走不了,只能纵向下走,中国的地势呢是西高东地, 历来统治者都是出自西部或者北部 。 它占领东部有什么用啊 (清王朝是山海关挡着,没入关,是从蒙古往西去。 入关前,规模已经和明王朝差不多了 ) 注:近代这个规律不成立,因为弓箭马匹已经不是战略物资了,工业化起到更为重要的作用。在抗日战争时期,就是钢铁煤炭铁路。(当时没有发现石油;更为准确的说,石油没有大规模开发) 所以说,到达陕北运气好嘛,你懂的。 ************************************************************************************** 抗日战争也不是甲午,清政府动员不起来那么多人。奥匈帝国直接崩溃了,不敢动员。 清政府编练新军,武昌起义它也直接倒了。(士兵成分发生了变化,骑兵也不是主要兵种了) 日本一直是支持中国革命的 ,黑龙会一直就是干这事。(孙中山先生,别说了) 二战结束后,黑龙会被定义为极端右翼组织,而于1945年9月13日遭盟国占领当局取缔。 ************************************************************************************** 二战开始前的1936年,日本本土人口第一次突破7000万大关,同一年的德国人口6700万。日本的人口总数略多于德国。可是两国的人口年龄差异却更为 巨大。1921年,日本出生了201万婴儿,同一年,德国只出生了158万人。到了1936年,日本年度出生人口增加到近225万,而德国则跌至不到 128万。从1921年到1936年,日本出生人口累计超过3400万;而德国同期仅出生1960万。尤其是希特勒上台前,由于经济危机,年度出生人口一度跌到100万以下。 究其原因,战前德国已经是一个相当工业化和城市化的国家,家庭结构开始向“少子型”转变,其 在经济危机沉重打击下的承受能力也特别脆弱,导致出生率暴跌 ; 而 日本农村社会基础相对稳固,家庭基本还是“多子型”结构 ,加上夺取了中国东北的巨大资源,其抗击经济危机能力也大为增强。另一个不可忽略的因素是,第一 次世界大战使德国死亡了200万青壮年人口,直接大幅度拉低了出生率。而日本仅仅死了数千人,其影响可忽略不计。 综上所述,与日本比较, 战前德国算是一个“老龄化”社会。估计其适合服兵役的人口只有日本的三分之二左右 。 但德国的动员率却要大大高于日本 。一般认为,二战期间德国军事人员总数在1700万左右,而日本只动员了900万左右(包括军队雇员在内)。据说日本的实 际参军人数可能更少。因为900万是累计动员人次数。日本普通陆军士兵的服役年限一般是2年,很多人在长达8年的战争中有过退役后重新征召入伍的经历,有 些人甚至多达三次。 日本所维持的军队规模也大大低于德国 。至1941年,日本全军约250万人,德国却高达730万,几乎是日本的三倍。1943年,德国军队规模超过 1000万人;而日本陆军仅仅比1941年增加了20多万,陆海军总数约300万左右。只有德国的三分之一。直到战争最后两年,日本才进行真正意义上的总 动员,仅陆军就征召了450万人。战争结束时,日军总规模超过700万(其中400多万集中在日本本土)。由于天皇在1945年8月14日接受波茨坦公 告,这只庞大军队(除东南亚部分地区和关东军等部队外)几乎未经战斗就遣返解散了。尤其是日本本土的400多万军队,几乎是直接回家。 日本动员率较低的原因,从经济角度说,在于日本农村和劳动密集型的小型工业,都需要大量人力,因此不能征集太多军队 ;从政治角度说,日本国会长期以来对军 事预算和动员规模仍有相当的限制能力;从消耗角度说,自1937年到1941年底,日军打了4年半战争,只死了19万人,而德军自1939年到1941年 底,打了2年半不到,已经死了近46万人。故而战争初期日军人力补充方面的压力远不如德国那么迫切。 人口损耗方面,德国因第二次世界大战死亡了700多万人,其中530万是军人。日本死了300多万人,包括230万军人和军队雇员以及武装移民和驻外公务 员等等。德国不仅死亡总数超过日本一倍多,还有数以百万记的伤残人员。而日军的大部分伤员病员直接死在战场上(特别是在丧失制海权的东南亚地区,伤病员无 法后送),回国的残疾者很少。 由于德国所需要维持的兵力规模过大,消耗也巨大,其对“人种”的要求远不如纳粹政治纲领所标榜的那么严格 。按德国1999年公开的数据,大战期间死亡的 530多万德国武装人员中,来自1937年德国疆域的只有445万,另外86万余人来自奥地利以及其他地区。而据苏联1956年的报告,大战期间俘虏的 270万德国军人中,“德意志人”只有不到240万,非“德意志人”中,约15万是奥地利人,约6万是波兰人,其余则来自南斯拉夫法国等等。据说甚至有犹 太人被征入德军。由上述资料推算,德国全部1700万军事人员中,可能有约200万来自1937年德国疆域以外地区。 日本的征兵标准比德国要严格很多 。虽然二战期间也征用了约45万台湾和朝鲜人,但其中25万是军队雇员(所谓“军属”),只有20万是军人。征集朝鲜“志 愿”人员成为正规日本军人,是自1939年开始的,主要用于中国和缅甸战线;征集台湾“志愿兵”是1942年,大部分被送往澳大利亚以及海南岛战线。 战争 尾声阶段,日本才开始征集朝鲜和台湾籍义务兵 。其中大多数尚未参加战斗,战争即已结束。最终,日军中的朝鲜以及台湾籍军人和军队雇员,一共死亡了5万余 人。 在罗列和分析了上述资料后,要问笔者有什么结论和看法,恐怕是非常复杂的。但有一点结论是肯定的:综上所述,二战前夕,德国的军务以及劳动力适龄人口,大约只有日本的三分之二。而 战时德国的动员率却超过日本一倍多,人口损失也超过一倍多 。 按出生率假定,日本男性青壮年人口2200万,则德国只有1500万;日本损失200万青壮年人口,总数减少到2000万;德国损失600万(包括残疾),减少到900万。则 到战争结束后,日本幸存的男性青壮年约超过德国一倍多 。 战争前夜的德国,作为一个趋于老龄化的社会,其人力资源储备客观说并不足以支撑一场旷日持久的世界大战 。希特勒因此希望打一场快速战争,把人口损失控制在 一战规模(死亡约200万)以下。结果完全落空,几乎整个德国都被送进兵营。700多万人死去,1100万人被关进战俘营,数百万人残废。巨大的人员伤 亡,使德国人口从战前的7000万暴跌到6400万,更是几乎耗尽了本来已经不多的青壮年劳动力。 以至于战后很长一段时间内,德国只能最大限度利用女性劳 力资源。 而日本,却是一副截然不同的景象。 由于战争初期动员人数较少,作战伤亡较小,日本依然保持了人口增长势头。直到最后2年实施总动员后,年度出生人口才降低 到200万以下 (1945年190万,1946年不到160万)。但总体来说,战争期间其人口还是从7000万增加到7500万。 而随着700多万日军从 兵营或海外回归,日本人口增长势头又进一步加剧。1967年正式突破1亿大关。 二战前夕,德国和日本人口只有较小差距。今天,德国人口约8000万,年度出生约60万;日本人口约1亿2000万,年度出生约100万。 截然不同的人口构成,直接影响了战后德国和日本的发展轨迹 。虽然德日都在冷战中扩张自己的经济实力,西德和东德甚至被美苏两大阵营作为展示各自“优越性” 的“橱窗”而下血本投资。但 拥有更充沛更廉价劳动力的日本 ,却比德国更好的抓住了机会。结果, 战前经济规模远不如德国的日本,在战后轻易超越了前者 。从这 个角度来看,不能不感叹昭和天皇实在是一个深谋远虑老奸巨猾之人。 另一方面, 青壮年丧失殆尽的德国,在美苏的双重统治下,显得低调而沉默,其国内政治氛围也相对萎靡 。而“年轻”的日本,却在“突破战后体制”目标的诱惑下,经历了一轮又一轮从左到右,从右到左的思想和社会运动的洗礼与激荡。 今天的日本,也如战前的德国一样,不再年轻。但“突破战后体制”的雄心,似乎并未减退。历史不会简单重复,却有规律可循。
287 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 今天有人问问题
热度 17 寞洑 2014-5-7 01:25
你在嘴边的德语是什么? 我立刻反应:嗨哦,希特勒! 于是整个人都感觉不好了。
524 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 懒人也有勤快时
热度 33 不打不相识 2012-8-28 03:05
据说希特勒和拿破仑都是罕见的行政天才。拿破仑凡事有计划,效率又极高;希特勒的工作方法是痉挛式的:偷懒一段时间,然后一口气漂漂亮亮地干完。凤雏先生庞统像希特勒。我干活没有他们那么漂亮,又经常偷懒,偶尔“痉挛”,拉了个清单,把必须干的事情列了一下,干完一样划掉一样,那种成就感就抵消掉不少偷懒引起的挫败感和负疚感。 昨天早上拉一下清单,近期要干的事情居然有七八样之多。昨天一大早起床,先收拾了书柜,把放乱的书整理好 ,挑选了一本《论李维》放在枕边,越来越喜欢这类篇幅短又非常精悍的古典著作了。鞋柜铰链脱落了,联系了家具店,说等几天上门。去他的,一年前另一侧家里坏了保修至今没来,那还是我自己修好的,不过有点失败,这次还是自己动手吧,换个方法10分钟搞定 。电视自从安装了机顶盒,就一直信号不好,有交流干扰,我自己捣鼓了很久也不好,反正我家也不看电视,电视只是用来做电脑的扩展显示器用。这几个星期的《好声音》改变了我家消遣方式,机顶盒不修不行了。联系广电部门,现在居然不上门检查了 。还是问度娘吧,度娘说,这种交流干扰一般是闭路用同轴电缆的屏蔽层与电源地线有电位差引起,需要装个低频隔离器。我用铁质暖气主管道做“地”,测量同轴电缆屏蔽层对地有24V,而电源地线对“地”也有2V。果然是这个问题,度娘胸大 !低频隔离器要去花钱买,接了以后会增加同轴电缆的阻抗,自己想办法吧。电源地线和同轴电缆屏蔽层接在一起,不好。这两个所谓“地”线,接地阻抗都太大了,干脆把两个地线都接在主暖气管道上。果然暖气管接地好,箝位效果好。好了,可以在星期五看《好声音》了 。
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