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分享 宋美龄的闪光时刻
热度 22 席琳 2011-12-27 19:26
2011-12-27 本来是昨天要发的, 结果刚开了个头,被席一妈叫去给泡茶,茶泡完了,又陪席一点去睡觉。等一觉起来,早上4点半,一壶茶早已经见底儿了,计算机也关了,昨天写的东西,也一并消失了。是为序。 宋美龄活到100多岁,要说其人生没有闪光点,是鬼也不相信的。 更何况人家是炮公的小姨子,和凯申同学明媒正娶的一国之母,身处中国政治和经济舞台的中心,要什么有什么,而且从1927年到1949年,是中国历史上最动荡的年代之一,所谓三千年未有之变局,其间经历民国政府的十年黄金,中华民族的八年抗战和国共两党的三年内战,是想不闪光,都做不到的。 闪光之一,自然是1936年的西安事变(Sian Incident),事件发生后,正在病中的宋美龄临危不惧,处理得当,先是通过张学良的英文秘书从上海给张学良带去了凯申同学的部分日记,软化了老相识张学良的斗志,接下来派哥哥宋子文和特务头子戴笠先后到西安,给软禁中的凯申同学通风报信,然后通过大姐夫孔祥熙在南京坐镇指挥,最后自己亲自出马,使得一时间剑拔弩张的盛世危局,有了奇妙的戏剧性的收场,从而奠定了凯申同学中华民族抗日领袖和美龄无可动摇的第一夫人的地位: When the Young Marshal, looked very tired, very embarrassed, and somewhat ashamed, came to board the plane to escort her off, she greeted her as usual and asked not to let his solders mess up her bags by searching them. When General Yang appeared, she shook hand with him as if she were arriving on a casual visit. Yang too, she said, "was obviously very nervous and just as obviously very relieved at my calm attitude". 闪光之二,是她在抗日前线和后方的战地动员、战地救护,给她赢得了中国的南丁格尔的称号。当然这其中有很多宣传的成分,但是她在飞虎队的组建和与陈纳德及飞虎队飞行员们的友谊,无疑是中国抗日战争期间最亮丽的一道风景线: While serving as nominal head of the Chinese air force, May-ling often risked her life and her emotional well-being by going out to the airfield, a major Japanese target, to encourage the Chinese pilots. "It was strong medicine even for a man - the grim and hopeless manner as they went off to face ever lengthening odds, the long nerve-racking waiting, and the return of bloody, burned, and battle-glazed survivors," Chennault said. "It always unnerved her, but she stuck it out, seeing that hot tea was ready and listening to their stories of fighting". May-ling managed to remain calm and soling until the day four pilots were killed and five out of elven planes returning from a mission were wrecked in trying to land. 可以这样说,抗日战争期间,没有宋美龄,就没有飞虎队,也没有中国空军。 Her concern and her knowledge of airplanes endeared her to the pilots. One of the Americans described a particularly bad day: We got out there to survey the damage, but before we got out of the auto we see Madame Chiang out walking around the airplane that had been severely damaged. She had beaten us to the airport... she was a mighty brave woman. She was taking chances all the time during the war, as if she was one of the solders herself. After an air raid she seemed to hasten to the airport to count the boys when they came back in, and she insisted on their being coffee for them and was trying to do what she could make it as easy as possible for these brave boys that really were fighting against odds and without replacements.
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