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分享 宣统元年的红宝书
热度 6 席琳 2014-11-10 05:34
2014-11-9 昨天看到的另外一本英文旧书,是1909年出版的红皮烫金袖珍《罗马与意大利中部地区旅游指南》(Baedeker's Central Italy and Rome)第15版,为19世纪著名的Baedeker出版公司编辑并发行的世界旅行系列指南之一。 该书第一版为1867年出版,312页,三幅地图,现在差不多已经是千金难求了。以后差不多每2-3年就重版修订一次,第十五版持续21年,到1930年,才出第十六版。 Carl Baedeker (1801-1859) 是德国人,号称现代旅游之父,他的出版公司首先制定了地图和旅游指南的世界印刷规范,而且从1830年开始所有的旅游指南均以红色封面为标志,被当时的西方旅游者,视为至宝,百金必购。 这本小册子看似简单,其中却包含非常庞大的旅游信息,上至天文下至地理,艺术历史文化政治经济,洋洋洒洒500多页,包括各种比例尺的彩色地图19幅,还有自1417年以来历届罗马教皇的图徽。 当时的货币汇率:1 里拉 = 20美分 1417年以来的历届教皇徽章 离罗马30英里的Tivoli小城地图
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分享 小材大用的红宝书
热度 2 席琳 2014-6-1 06:28
2014-5-31 记得十多年前在北京的时候,送一本外文书版社处理的《毛泽东诗词》的英文版给美国联邦政府的一个朋友,朋友高兴的要死。 今天看到网上的读书俱乐部,有一个 哥们儿 贴出了 蒋革委(John Gray)同志 关于文革期间的中国第一畅销书《毛主席语录》的书评,称这册红宝书小材大用,其发行量和影响,堪比基督教的圣经和伊斯兰教的可兰经。 当然,书评中有关大跃进时期饿死上千万人的描述,见仁见智,和红宝书的发行,关系应该是不大的说。 A Little Book’s Big Impact Reviewing Mao’s Little Red Book: A Global History , a collection of academic essays about the text that some claim is second only to the Bible in terms of print circulation, John Gray revisits where the collection of the Chinese leader’s sayings came from: Originally the book was conceived for internal use by the army. In 1961, the minister of defence Lin Biao – appointed by Mao after the previous holder of the post had been sacked for voicing criticism of the disastrous Great Leap Forward – instructed the army journal the PLA Daily to publish a daily quotation from Mao. Bringing together hundreds of excerpts from his published writings and speeches and presenting them under thematic rubrics, the first official edition was printed in 1964 by the general political department of the People’s Liberation Army in the water-resistant red vinyl design that would become iconic. With its words intended to be recited in groups, the correct interpretation of Mao’s thoughts being determined by political commissars, the book became what Leese describes as “the only criterion of truth” during the Cultural Revolution. … Long terms of imprisonment were handed out to anyone convicted of damaging or destroying a copy of what had become a sacred text. Gray goes on to express disappointment that the contributors “seem anxious to avoid anything that might smack of a negative attitude towards the ideas and events they describe” – and basically ignore the human costs of Maoism: Reading the essays brought together here, you would hardly realize that Mao was responsible for one of the biggest human catastrophes in recorded history. Launched by him in 1958, the Great Leap Forward cost upwards of 45 million human lives. “When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death,” Mao observed laconically. “It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.” He did not specify how those condemned to perish would be made to accept their fate. Ensuing events provided the answer: mass executions and torture, beatings and sexual violence against women were an integral part of a politically induced famine that reduced sections of the population to eating roots, mud and insects, and others to cannibalism. When Mao ordered an end to the horrific experiment in 1961, it was in order to launch another. In a recent interview, however, the volume’s editor offered a more positive assessment of Mao’s writing: I think one thread that does come through is because it is an authoritative text, in some ways we describe it almost like a religious text, even in its circulation. The only books that are comparable to it are things like the Bible and the Koran. As a religious text, you can imagine that maybe it holds a kind of power over the believers. But on other hand, you can see in places where the book was adopted, including in China, there is almost a religious reformation. It is almost like an education in the liberal arts, and education in rhetoric. Because the text can be used to argue for so many things, in a way it breaks down that kind of authority and allows people to begin to articulate their own desires, their own beliefs in a way to begin to speak freely. We can view this text as a tool of totalitarian dictatorship. But it has this ironic quality of emancipating people’s minds and teaching them how to think and speak freely.
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