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女丈夫传 之 郑一嫂

热度 5已有 3083 次阅读2019-3-21 12:20 |个人分类:读书笔记


这个星期春假,领导带小不点儿去图书馆看书,先是看到介绍吴健雄(Chien-Shiung Wu)的少儿图书。说她是当代最有名的女核物理学家,时代楷模。还说1957年李政道和杨振宁获得诺贝尔物理学奖,其中很大一部分是吴健雄的功劳。吴却未得诺奖提名,为吴健雄身为女流而打抱不平。

今天又看到她们从图书馆借回来的另外一本书,是真假海盗(True or False? Pirates),其中有四页,说历史上最成功的海盗,是一个中国女人,名叫郑一嫂(Ching Shih),曾经在南中国海统领数百艘战船和数万名海盗,威震世界。

网上搜了搜,果然有这么一位女丈夫。姓石,乳名香姑(1775-1844),廣東新安人。早年历史不清不白,有人说她大家闺秀,也有人说她是一位妓女,二十五岁那年,被红旗帮的海盗头子郑一抢为压寨夫人,遂集三千宠爱于一身,人唤龙嫂,又称郑一嫂,或叫郑石氏(Ching Shih),官方尊称一嫂。七年后郑一去世,或干脆就叫郑寡妇的。郑寡妇和义子张保仔(官称张保)重整红旗帮和海盗诸帮派,行侠仗义,令行禁止,独霸南海,所向披靡,也使大清官兵和外国商船闻风丧胆。

  • Born in the Guangdong province of China, not much is known about Ching Shih’s early life. Her story begins in the early 1800s, when Pirate Zhèng Yi, spellbound by Shih’s beauty and business acumen, ordered a raid on the floating brothel where she worked. Yi, the fearsome commander of a fleet of ships called the “Red Flag Fleet,” ordered his men to bring her to him so they could be married. Shih agreed to the marriage, on the conditions that she receive equal control over his fleet and an equal share in his plunder. Once the agreement was struck, Shih started her new life as a pirate.
  • Under the dual command of husband and wife, the fleet grew exponentially from the original 200 ships. About six years into the marriage, Yi died. At that time, the command of the Red Flag Fleet fell to Shih, leaving her in charge of anywhere between 50,000 – 70,000 pirates. Craving the power and glory that came with the job, she took charge of the fleet and unified her fleet by using a strict code of laws.
  • The Red Flag Fleet was so hard to defeat, Shih earned the nickname “The Terror of South China” and rumors of her harsh capital punishment for lawbreakers and deserters spread. Her fleet took Chinese, Portuguese, and British naval ships. Finally, when they could find no other way to defeat her, the Chinese offered amnesty to all pirates in hopes of eliminating the threat of the Red Flag Fleet. Shih was able to negotiate the terms of her own amnesty to include keeping all of her loot and ended her career as a pirate.

Image result for Ching Shih pirates world book


  • 張保,新會江門漁人子。其父業眾,日取魚於海外。十五歲,隨父在舟中取魚,遇鄭一遊船至江門劫掠,保遂為所擄。鄭一見之,甚悅,令給事左右。保聰慧,有口辨,且年少色美,鄭一嬖之,未幾陞為頭目。及嘉慶十二年十月十七,鄭一為颶風所沉。其妻石氏,遂分一軍以委保,而自統其全部,世所稱鄭一嫂者是也。保既得眾,日事劫掠,由是夥黨漸眾,船隻日多,乃自立令三條:一、私逃上岸者,謂之反關,捉回插耳,刑示各船。遍遊後,立殺。二、凡搶奪貨物,不得私留,寸縷必盡出眾點閱;以二分歸搶者,以八分歸庫。 歸庫後謂之公項,有私竊公項者,立殺。三、到村落擄掠婦女,下船後,一概不許污辱。詢籍注簿,隔艙分住。有犯強奸、私合者,立殺。又慮粮食缺斷,凡鄉民貪利者,接濟酒米貨物,必計其利而倍之。有強取私毫者,立殺。以故火藥、米粮,皆資用不匱。是能以賞罰權力制服群下者也。然事鄭一嫂甚謹,每事必稟命而後行。凡打單及虜掠所得,必命隨庫記簿,歸於公籍,不敢有所私焉。惟劫殺搶奪,戰陣進退,各賊咸聽其指揮。有犯其令者,立斬,故威行海面,人但知為張保仔云(賊號司筆墨者為「隨庫」、檄輸財帛者謂之「打單」)。

  • Ching Shih, or Madame Ching, has been called the most successful pirate in history. For one thing, there was the sheer size of her operation: her Red Flag Fleet consisted of at least 40,000 pirates, with some estimates ranging as high as 80,000. In terms of power, she was unprecedented: the navies of China, Britain, and Portugal all tried to bring her down, and all failed. But perhaps Ching Shih’s greatest success was that, unlike most pirate captains, she got to retire from piracy with her life and treasure intact. When the Chinese authorities realized that they couldn’t defeat her by force of arms, they offered amnesty instead. Ching Shih negotiated an incredibly favorable settlement for herself and her fleet: everybody got full pardons, everybody got to keep their loot, and the officers were given commissions in the Chinese navy. Ching Shih herself retired from the sea with her riches, and spent the rest of her life running a gambling house.
石香姑的出名,首先是得益于大英雄郑一,说他是郑成功的后代,志向高远,不入俗流,所谓入对了行,也嫁对了郎。第二得益于她出色的军事才能和谈判技巧,竟然可以全师而退,智勇双全,不让须眉,享荣华富贵和齐人之乐。第三得益于她的船队歪打正着,绑架了一个英国富商,名叫李查德-格拉斯坡(Richard Glasspoole)。这位富商,是位探险家,平时爱记日记,还才高八斗,一不小心就把这段绑票案,还有郑一嫂的故事,添油加醋地写成了海盗传奇《Mr. Glasspoole and the Chinese Pirates》,发表在西方世界。一时间伦敦纸贵,街谈巷议,视探险为生命的西方海盗后裔们,就不得不对郑一嫂这位东方奇女子,佩服得五体投地,敬若天神了。









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