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【周末娱乐下】摇滚公鸡 洛德‧斯图尔特(Rod Stewart )(二) ... ...

热度 3已有 816 次阅读2014-7-11 10:54

SAILING虽红,但让公鸡被大西洋两岸小愤愤追捧,并反复解读的,却是一首情歌《MAGGIE MAY》。这首歌是公鸡写给他的初恋小萝莉MAGGIE MAY的(后来中国有牛人将其翻译成了五月的麦祺,不知公鸡看到了会不会吐血),歌词写的是小公鸡准备回学校上学了,却难以忘怀热恋的情人--歌词中看似乎是个野蛮女友,看来小公鸡也有受虐倾向啊。――某个9月末的早晨,公鸡叫醒了MAGGIE开始连篇累牍的抱怨你把我从家中诱出,只是为了你自己不再孤独”“我需要的是一个指点人生的朋友,但你却变成了爱人,甚至希望从来没有看到你的脸,但最终公鸡还是不得不说你偷走了我的心我只能爱你到永久。歌词通过一个少年唠唠叨叨的独白,刻画出了恋爱中的少年人焦躁、多疑、欲罢不能以及夹杂着痛苦的幸福感的矛盾心情,其病态与黄舒骏的《恋爱症候群》中的症状一模一样。这首歌曲曲调悠扬高亢缺又不乏婉转,再加上公鸡的独特的嗓音,确实听完让人久久不能不能忘怀。正好这时候是女权运动高峰期,妞们个个不爱红装爱武装的,闹经济独立,大呼口号:女人要独立,绝不用CASH,刷爆信用卡,银行起诉你。小伙子人人自危,却又不甘心被欺压,还要摆出一副老爷们的样子给外人看。这么一首歌曲,正好唱出了可怜的男人们的心声,想不流行都不行,于是,洋版《小芳》顿时传遍全球,公鸡也如星星里的那个教授一样,成为少女偶像,被万众景仰。


(rod stewart / martin quittenton)

Wake up maggie I think I got something to say to you
Its late september and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused but I feel Im being used
Oh maggie I couldnt have tried any more
You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and thats what really hurt

The morning sun when its in your face really shows your age
But that dont worry me none in my eyes youre everything
I laughed at all of your jokes my love you didnt need to coax
Oh, maggie I couldnt have tried any more
You lured me away from home, just to save you from being alone
You stole my soul and thats a pain I can do without

All I needed was a friend to lend a guiding hand
But you turned into a lover and
Mother what a lover, you wore me out
All you did was wreck my bed
And in the morning kick me in the head
Oh maggie I couldnt have tried anymore
You lured me away from home cause you didnt want to be alone
You stole my heart I couldnt leave you if I tried

后来公鸡漂洋过海的到了美国,实现了美利坚梦,开始新的人生。而歌曲《sailing》也被《哥伦布传》剧组采用,成为电影的主题歌,并视为他的代表作品,与《Every beat of my heart》共同成为青年励志歌曲,并被英国皇家海军对待为海军军歌,盛极一时。至于后来老公鸡变成花公鸡,抛弃妻女,薄情寡义,很快就被大众所遗忘了,也许明星就是这样,不怕出名不怕壮啊。

Every Beat of My Heart

(r. stewart, k. savigar)

Through these misty eyes
I see lonely skies
Lonely road to babylon

Where’s my family
And my country
Heaven knows where I belong

Pack my bags tonight
Here’s one jacobite
Who must leave or surely die

Put me on a train
In the pouring rain
Say farewell but don’t say goodbye

Seagull carry me, over land and sea
To my own folk, that’s where I want to be
Every beat of my heart
Tears me further apart
I’m lost and alone in the dark
I’m going home

One more glass of wine
Just for auld lang syne
And the girl I left behind

How I miss her now
In my darkest hour
And the way our arms entwine


And we’ll drink a toast
To the blood red rose
Cheer a while the emerald isle

And to the northern lights
And the swirling pipes
How they make a grown man cry


后来,小公鸡变成了老公鸡,然后开始爵士了。在老北心中,那首翻唱汤姆.威兹(Tom Waits)"Downtown Train",始终是永远无法替代的经典。摇滚也罢,灵歌也罢,爵士也罢,好听就行;写的是妓女也好,女工也好,还是无知的小妹也好,深情就好。




Downtown Train

Outside another yellow moon
has punched a hole in the night time mist
I climb through the window and down to the street
I'm shining like a new dime
The downtown trains are full
full of all them Brooklyn girls
They try so hard to break out of their little worlds

You wave your hand and they scatter like crows
They have nothing that'll ever capture your heart
They're just thorns without the rose
Be careful of them in the dark
Oh if I was the one you chose to be your only one
Oh baby can't you hear me now, can't you hear me now

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same
On a downtown train

I know your window and I know its late
I know your stairs and your doorway
I walk down your street and past your gate
I stand by the light of the four way
and watch them as they fall, oh baby
They all having their heart attacks
They stay at the carnival
But they'll never win you back

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same
You leave me lonely
Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
All my dreams, all my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same
Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
All my dreams, all my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train
On a downtown train
All my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train









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回复 togo 2014-7-12 05:59
blur也唱过Meggie May,不过那个风格太难以接受了,听完Blur唱过还要再听一遍花公鸡唱的才能缓过来.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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