We would like to express our concern about discrimination against Asian Americans and hope that you and BBB University will solve this problem at BBB University, which is one of the worst in its treatment of Asian Americans.
The attached article by Ron Unz provides reliable statistics and thoughtful analysis. It shows that admission of Asian students into elite US universities has not caught up with the increasing number of Asian Americans in the US population. In fact, with the exception of Caltech, many universities including Harvard, Yale, Princeton suddenly reduced the percentage of Asian Americans around 1993 after steady increases over the previous decade. For most of these universities, Asian admissions now are below those in 1993. While the details at Stanford are different, the situation is the same in essence. The problem is similar in our undergraduate, medical and law admissions while our graduate admission is better.
It has not escaped the notice of those paying serious attention to the issue that it can not be explained by factors other than discrimination against Asians. Over the last two decades, not only the number of Asian Americans has increased more than two fold, but the performance of Asian American high school students has also dramatically increased. Asians continue to lead in academic performance and now also lead in meaningful extracurricular activities with increased quantity and improved quality. Thus, it is only fair that Asian admissions should be increased accordingly.
The example of Caltech shows what happens when Asians are not discriminated against. Because Caltech remains as outstanding as it was before the increase of Asian students, it also shows that increasing Asian students according to academic and extracurricular performances will not damage universities.
We realize, of course, that this increase should be merit-based. Asian Americans only seek to have a fair share according to performance, both in- and out-side the classroom. It is highly possible that after a few decades, perhaps in our life time, that Asian American students will no longer be as motivated as they are now, in a scenario similar to what has happened to Jewish students which is documented in the Ron Unz article. By that time, we will agree that Asian admissions should be readjusted to the performance of our children and grandchildren. If it means that Asian admissions should be decreased by then, it is fully justified.
We look forward to a BBB University not only great but also fair.
Ron Unz (2012) The myth of American meritocracy: quantitative sources and methods. The American Conservative 14-51. http://www.theamericanconservati ... cracy-appendices/#3作者: 龙血树 时间: 2018-4-3 12:03
不必要减少名额,捐款数目要求提高一些倒是可以的作者: lorry 时间: 2018-4-3 13:23
套路深。作者: 阿忙 时间: 2018-4-3 22:23
这人自从宣称凡是和他看法不一样的都是错的,我就再不看他的任何文章了,丢不起这人。作者: 阿忙 时间: 2018-4-3 23:52