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热度 64已有 1241 次阅读2018-11-27 07:28

Mr. Davis: Do you think that – I know the Chinese – the Chinese No. 1 goal in this G-20 is to get you to delay or suspend that [increase in the tariff rate on some Chinese imports from 10 percent to] 25 percent on January 1. Do you – are you willing to do that?

President Trump: I think it would be highly unlikely.


President Trump: So but what I’m saying is that I am very happy with what’s going on right now. We’ve only used a small portion of what we have to use because I have another $267 billion [in imports] to go if I want, and then I’m also able to raise interest rates. And we have money that is pouring right now, pouring –

Mr. Davis: When you say interest rates, do you mean – do you mean tariffs, as opposed to interest rates?

President Trump: I’m sorry, the rate, the 25 percent rate –


President Trump: We have money that is pouring into our treasury right now, and on January 1 it’ll become much more so. And here’s the story: If we don’t make a deal, then I’m going to put the $200 -- and it’s really $67 -- billion additional on at an interest rate between 10 and 25 depending.

Mr. Davis: Including even iPhones and laptops and things that people would know?

President Trump: Maybe. Maybe. Depends on what the rate is. I mean, I can make it 10 percent and people could stand that very easily. 


President Trump: I happen to be a tariff person because I’m a smart person, OK?


Mr. Davis: I mean, you have said that you thought that Jay Powell would be a low – a low-rate person. Why did you get that impression? I mean, you would have thought –

President Trump: Well, let’s see what happens with Jay Powell. So far, I can tell you – I said it the other day, and I’ll say it again: I think the Fed right now is a much bigger problem than China. 


And even the EU, which we’re going after now, you know, for a fair deal – because that’s been almost as bad as China, just smaller. I mean, the only difference between the EU and China is size. They treat us very badly. They don’t take our farm products. They don’t take our cars. They don’t take anything. And yet, we give them a lot. They’re up $151 billion on the United States every year for years. And the EU was set up in order to hurt the United States on trade.

Mr. Davis: Are you – are you planning to meet, then, at the G-20 with [European Commission President Jean-Claude] Juncker? Do you think there – would that –

President Trump: Maybe. Look, he knows where I stand. He’s going to come – you know, he came to see me. He didn’t care until I said I was going to tax his cars. And then the next day he was there at about 7:00 in the morning.

Mr. Davis: Huh. Do you think you will go ahead with the tariffs on the cars?

President Trump: If they don’t make a fair deal with us, I’d do it in about 12 minutes.

发表评论 评论 (14 个评论)

回复 sweeter 2018-11-27 09:12
回复 Pipilu 2018-11-27 09:21
回复 赫然 2018-11-27 09:52
感觉床总的文风是葡萄体 ,神似。只是逻辑上,床总还有进步空间。
回复 holycow 2018-11-27 09:56
Pipilu: 神牛不解读一下?
回复 lorry 2018-11-27 12:24
holycow: 闯王脑袋里想的东西是透明的,不需要解读
回复 jakac 2018-11-27 13:49
回复 燕庐敕 2018-11-27 14:22
回复 smileREGENT 2018-11-27 14:52
回复 大黑蚊子 2018-11-27 17:41
11-27 下午讲的,看美股怎么上蹿下跳吧~
有史以来最伟大的股市及商品交易员 川普先生
回复 jellobean 2018-11-27 21:45
回复 njyd 2018-11-28 08:22
回复 莳萝 2018-11-28 10:16
回复 绿梧桐 2018-11-28 16:41
回复 青青的蓝 2018-11-29 15:04
赫然: 感觉床总的文风是葡萄体 ,神似。只是逻辑上,床总还有进步空间。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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